Well said. How many understand Quantum Mechanics or even Calculus or Chemistry or computer programming. I have to admit ignorance to all of theseBecause that is the job of professional and amateur philosophers.
It is not an argument. It is an observation.
And it is not even a unique observation. Think about many other areas: evolution, global warming, any number of conspiracy theories, Monty Hall problem… I am pretty sure that you have some opinion (at the moment it doesn’t matter what that opinion is) about at least some of those questions. There are arguments that you consider persuasive. Yet many people are not persuaded by them. Why? Don’t you think that the real cause for that is “ignorance, bad will, moral corruption, etc.”?
Whenever you see “But they are financed by X!”, the observation is of a similar type.
If the fact that someone is not persuaded by the argument must always mean problem with the argument and not with the listener, there wouldn’t be many good arguments left for anything…
And in this case we have at least one source that was given incorrectly. That is sloppy research. Are you certain that it is the only instance…?
