Please help me defend the faith

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I’m being bombarded with messages about the Catholic faith by my Protestant friends on Facebook I want to shut them up I’ll copy and paste what they said please give me a good answer to shut them up

You can’t ask Mary to pray for you because she
dead and the dead can’t pray for you only the
Living Jesus is alive

Christianity was created by a man called Paul for believers in Christ. the Roman Catholic empire ( the ones who killed Jesus) which is called the Roman catholic church. came and started changing the teachings of Jesus with their idols and statues. When a Christian says Catholics worships Mary, this is how. When you pray or bow down to anyone or anything or give your prayers to anyone or pray through them. That is a form of worship. You commit the sin of idolatry then.

Here’s what the lord says.

Do not not make idols for yourselves, set up a carved image or sacred pillar for yourselves, or place a sculpted stone in your land to bow down to it, for I am the LORD your God.

Also, the ones who are dead now are sleeping. They can’t hear your prayers. Your body is not taken to heaven, your spirit is.

Wow…you’re very clueless. Your using catholic doctrine LOL. They are the very people who changed it. by the way, I have been commanded by the lord to go preach the gospel. ( the real gospel) All who who follow Jesus are to go preach. You clearly don’t read the word.

One God either way religion will not save anyone only the word of God. And if your Catholic or if your Christian the word of God is the same. The thing is the old testament was the Lords covenant to moses and the new testament the new covenant through Jesus Christ sacrifice for our sins. That is why the old testament and the new testament are in a lot of ways contradicting. God tells us to worship him alone. Mary is and always will be the blessed mother of our Lord and savour.

That’s what they said I copied and pasted it
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Tell them their belief system only dates from the 16th century when Luther came along… what about before? where are their witnesses from the 1st century on to support what they believe? or do you mean that Jesus intended for everyone to be in error until the 16th century?
Christianity was created by a man called Paul for believers in Christ.
I’m pretty sure Christianity was started by Christ. And the fact that the Roman Catholic Church killed Christ just illustrates that said individual knows absolutely nothing about history. No need for a comeback for that.
When a Christian says Catholics worships Mary, this is how. When you pray or bow down to anyone or anything or give your prayers to anyone or pray through them.
This is so worn out. We don’t worship Mary. Asking someone to pray for you isn’t worship. Ask said person to pray for you and ask him or her if that is worship. That’s the same thing we do with Mary and Saints.
Do not not make idols for yourselves, set up a carved image or sacred pillar for yourselves, or place a sculpted stone in your land to bow down to it, for I am the LORD your God.
Remind them of Exodus 21:8 when God tells the Hebrews to set up a snake on a pole.
Also, the ones who are dead now are sleeping. They can’t hear your prayers. Your body is not taken to heaven, your spirit is.
Those in Heaven are much more alive than we are down here. I don’t see why God won’t let them hear the prayers of those down on earth. Does he not allow those in Heaven to hear those on earth? Doesn’t sound like a Heavenly place to me. Sounds like you are stuck up there.
And if your Catholic or if your Christian the word of God is the same.
Catholics are Christians.
God tells us to worship him alone. Mary is and always will be the blessed mother of our Lord and savour.
Amen, brother.
I will start with the claim that the Roman Catholic Church started changing the teachings of Jesus. That is false. Let me give you some history, the Catholics were the first Christians! The Catholic Church is the only Church that can trace its history back 2000 years ago to 33AD back to Christ himself. All the protestant denominations however, arrive 1500 years later from a heretical man called Martin Luther who supported Polygamy, took 6 books away from the Bible and even wanted to take out several books from scripture such as Revelation and James that contradicted with his man-made teaching. The point is, that the main protestant doctrines of Sola Scriptura and Sola Fidei are entirely false and totally man-made. No Christian had ever believed in these doctrines until Martin Luther came around. Please give me some time to respond to the other statements. God Bless…
I would recommend looking on Protestant errors dot com as they have answers to most of the objections your friends have sent you. Be prepared for a long drawn out debate if you really want to get into it!
To do with the claim that the Catholic Church practices idolatry, this claim is false. In the Old Testament, God commands Moses to build two gold statues of angels on top of the Ark of the Covenant. He also commanded Solomon to build the temple with lots of gold and statues of bulls and vegetation and lots of jewelry. The vestments of Aaron were decorated with pomegranates and stones and jewels. When the Israelites were in the desert, and God sent snakes because they had little faith, God commanded Moses to build a statue of a bronze serpent, and to put it on a stake. If people were bitten by snakes, they could look at the bronze serpent and be healed by God. This is a symbol of the crucifix and the cross today. The point is, it is not idolatry to build statues and bow. As long as you know that the statue is but an image of God/veneration to Mary or saints. Of course we know that the stature are not gods themselves.
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I would present my refutations of their claims. Then, state “Anyone who attacks my faith with such ignorant bigotry is no friend of mine.” Then, follow through with that. Why engage with them at all?
I would recommended “Why We’re Catholic” by Trent Horn. MANY questions are answered in that book from why we believe in God to why we believe in the Catholic Church. It’s on Kindle for about $3 (I think)
To do with the claim that “the ones who are dead now are sleeping. They can’t hear your prayers.” This refers to the saints. There are several verses in Revelation that talk about the saints like Rev 5:8 and Rev 8:4. Just look these up. Also, James 5:16 says: “Therefore, confess your sins to one another and pray for one another, that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person has great power as it is working.” This passage says that the prayers of a righteous man are effective. Aren’t those in heaven righteous? If so, then wouldn’t we want a righteous person to pray for us? Furthermore, righteous men do go to heaven after death and are immediately judged. They don’t “sleep in the grave” like protestants think. Look at Luke 16:22, Luke 23:43, 2 Corinthians 5:8 and Philippians 1:23.
Here are the answers

REALLY: have you ever read {and understood} Gen. 2:6-7? “[ [6] But a spring rose out of the earth, watering all the surface of the earth. [[7]] And the Lord God formed man of the slime of the earth: and breathed into his face the breath of life, and man became a living soul.

Only the human Soul is eternal and rational; as our bodies return to dust {Gen 3:19}; it is our immortal rational Souls that Face Divine Judgment until the end times

TELL THEM TO READ: Num. 21: 6-10 & Exo. 25: 17-21

They teach Yahweh {GOD} COMMANDING to build for Him idols

It is NOT the object that is sinful rather it is the intended USE of that object: ANYTHING that can possibly lead one to a closer relationship with Jesus is GOOD; everything that ACTUALLY competes with Jesus is evil.

Mary, His Mother and the Saints can and DO lead us closer to Jesus

Catholics “reverence” and “venerate” Mary & THE Saints. “ WORSHIP” is reserved for God alone:

Our Catechism: # 1089; 2135; 2105; 2185 ; 2096

Adoration is the first act of the virtue of religion. To adore God is to acknowledge him as God, as the Creator and Savior, the Lord and Master of everything that exists, as infinite and merciful Love. "You shall worship the Lord your God, and him only shall you serve," says Jesus, citing Deuteronomy .

As to “Christianity being founded by Paul: that is easily rebuked: Have the READ Mt 10: 1-8 & Mt 28:19-20 {Paul is really the “Last Apostle” CHOSEN by Christ AFTER Christ Resurrection; which is AFTER Jesus had already established His Church:

[Eph.2]: 20 “built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Christ Jesus himself being the cornerstone”

Catholic Doctrine once defined is UNCHANGABLE in its root teachings

As for this person being “commanded to teach preach the gospel”

Might I suggest that they use the Entire Bible & 1st pray for right understanding of it; then READ

Mt 10: 1-8

Mt. 16: 15:19

Jn. 17:17-20

Mt 28:18-20

Eph 4: 4-5 {1-7}

Which if rightfully understood is the short course that PROVES the RCC is the One True Church and Faith desired by Jesus

1st. IF only “the Word of God” saves people:

The First Christians including the Apostles themselves would NOT have been saved as the Bible was not fully AUTHORED {by CATHOLICS BTW} until the end of the 1st Century. The Bible was not out into a book form until around the end of the 4th century

2nd.t the Catholic and Protestant Bibles ARE NOT the same or we’d be using the same bible logically

3nd the OT leads to Jesus in the NT which completes the OT, and even perfects it

4th. Show me where the OT & NT contradict

5th see earlier reply on Mary

My young friend are you REALLY helping spread the GOOD NEWS if YOU don’t yet known it yourself?

God Bless you
Wow 😮 id love to know as much as you I’ve been study since I was 13 With my parents I ’m now 18 and I still don’t know as much as that
No one was ever won to love by Facebook fights.

Don’t engage.

“Sally, let’s love and respect each other.” is the best response.
I don’t usually go on Facebook and this is the first time this has happened to me
I like this one as a defense for praying to Mary and the Saints.

Death couldn’t keep the body of Christ in the tomb it doesn’t place a barrier between it’s members either. The body of Christ is in heaven too. Don’t expect any of them to say" you’re right! I was wrong all along" you’ve done what words can do if they have nothing to throw back at you.
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Rosie: I’ve typed this before and I’ll offer it to you. It is regarding the ignorant accusations you are hearing about idols and statues. The Church has always used them. The scriptural justification you have heard from others. As to why, there is a good reason. In the Middle Ages and before, the vast majority of the laity attending Mass were illiterate. Could not read or write. Bibles were not available (no printing press till the 1400s). So Churches would install beautiful stained glass windows, and statues depicting holy men and women. These were teaching tools. When the celebrant gave a talk about, say, Pentecost, the descent of the Holy Spirit, or St. Michael expelling Satan from heaven, the celebrant would point to a stained glass window, or a statue, and the people could experience what he was saying in a physical form. The use of what your detractors are calling icons or idols, were merely teaching tools. These accusations you are hearing are worn out, hackneyed, and been disproven over and over.
Somebody said these are your online friends. Suggest you go to Mass and maybe meet some real friends who will probably be much more influential in your life.
Don’t expect any of them to say" you’re right! I was wrong all along" you’ve done what words can do if they have nothing to throw back at you.
Ben has a point. These Protestant “friends” have no interest in objectively looking for the truth. Suggest if you wish to continue on the web, you state your truth quietly and clearly, and those who actually are looking for the truth will sooner or later come to see the truth in the RCC given your will to be faithful.
I’m being bombarded with messages about the Catholic faith by my Protestant friends on Facebook I want to shut them up
What I’ve done in the past is just point them towards articles on the

They are unlikely going to read them and if they say anything else you can just say please read the articles, the answers are in there.

I think that’s a time effective and also amiable way to deal with this.
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Wow 😮 id love to know as much as you I’ve been study since I was 13 With my parents I ’m now 18 and I still don’t know as much as that
You did GOOD!

If you don’t know ASK and we’ll try to be of help

Make a dedicated effort to read the bible, starting with the NT first

Let ME know via PM’s if you have any questions,

God Bless you,
@Rosie11 – don’t bother. You’ll only upset yourself. Ignore them and do something enjoyable instead.
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