I’m being bombarded with messages about the Catholic faith by my Protestant friends on Facebook I want to shut them up I’ll copy and paste what they said please give me a good answer to shut them up
You can’t ask Mary to pray for you because she
dead and the dead can’t pray for you only the
Living Jesus is alive
Christianity was created by a man called Paul for believers in Christ. the Roman Catholic empire ( the ones who killed Jesus) which is called the Roman catholic church. came and started changing the teachings of Jesus with their idols and statues. When a Christian says Catholics worships Mary, this is how. When you pray or bow down to anyone or anything or give your prayers to anyone or pray through them. That is a form of worship. You commit the sin of idolatry then.
Here’s what the lord says.
Do not not make idols for yourselves, set up a carved image or sacred pillar for yourselves, or place a sculpted stone in your land to bow down to it, for I am the LORD your God.
Also, the ones who are dead now are sleeping. They can’t hear your prayers. Your body is not taken to heaven, your spirit is.
Wow…you’re very clueless. Your using catholic doctrine LOL. They are the very people who changed it. by the way, I have been commanded by the lord to go preach the gospel. ( the real gospel) All who who follow Jesus are to go preach. You clearly don’t read the word.
One God either way religion will not save anyone only the word of God. And if your Catholic or if your Christian the word of God is the same. The thing is the old testament was the Lords covenant to moses and the new testament the new covenant through Jesus Christ sacrifice for our sins. That is why the old testament and the new testament are in a lot of ways contradicting. God tells us to worship him alone. Mary is and always will be the blessed mother of our Lord and savour.
That’s what they said I copied and pasted it
You can’t ask Mary to pray for you because she
dead and the dead can’t pray for you only the
Living Jesus is alive
Christianity was created by a man called Paul for believers in Christ. the Roman Catholic empire ( the ones who killed Jesus) which is called the Roman catholic church. came and started changing the teachings of Jesus with their idols and statues. When a Christian says Catholics worships Mary, this is how. When you pray or bow down to anyone or anything or give your prayers to anyone or pray through them. That is a form of worship. You commit the sin of idolatry then.
Here’s what the lord says.
Do not not make idols for yourselves, set up a carved image or sacred pillar for yourselves, or place a sculpted stone in your land to bow down to it, for I am the LORD your God.
Also, the ones who are dead now are sleeping. They can’t hear your prayers. Your body is not taken to heaven, your spirit is.
Wow…you’re very clueless. Your using catholic doctrine LOL. They are the very people who changed it. by the way, I have been commanded by the lord to go preach the gospel. ( the real gospel) All who who follow Jesus are to go preach. You clearly don’t read the word.
One God either way religion will not save anyone only the word of God. And if your Catholic or if your Christian the word of God is the same. The thing is the old testament was the Lords covenant to moses and the new testament the new covenant through Jesus Christ sacrifice for our sins. That is why the old testament and the new testament are in a lot of ways contradicting. God tells us to worship him alone. Mary is and always will be the blessed mother of our Lord and savour.
That’s what they said I copied and pasted it
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