Please help me with this kind of thoughts

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Blasphemous thoughts just come into my mind randomly, sometimes they are about Christ, sometimes the Holy Spirit, what should I do, I don’t want this. because sins against the Holy Spirit cannot be forgiven, I don’t want to be end up in hell.
from an article…


When They Result from Imperfection

When distractions interfere with your concentration, telling you that something is wrong with you and that you can’t do anything right and that God must be fed up with you, say to yourself, “It’s OK. I don’t have to be perfect. My intent is love; I don’t have to be perfect to love.”

When They Result from Impure Thoughts

When “blasphemous” and impure thoughts intrude into your mind, if you try to fight them they will only get more intense, and you will become more anxious.

The key here is to understand that God does not hold against us the things we think spontaneously, nor does He expect us to stop all spontaneous thoughts; all He wants from us is to grow in love by recognizing that certain thoughts are offenses to love and to tell ourselves so.

Therefore, say to yourself, “It’s OK. I know these thoughts are an offense to love, and I don’t really intend to carry them out in actions. My intent is love; I don’t have to be perfect in not having intruding thoughts.”

and then say Lord have mercy and don’t think of anything else, and go about your day.
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also note: the unforgiveable sin is final impenitence, aka refusing the grace of God all your life and dying without it despite God having given you 40540583405345 chances at it. it is not blasphemous thoughts
Look up final impenitence. That alone - per the Church - is the unforgivable sin: essentially those who do not seek forgiveness and refuse God’s grace and mercy.

If these thoughts are repetitive or intrusive, that might be something to mention to doctor.
The only sin that God does not forgive is one for which we do not repent and which we don’t confess in sacrament of reconciliation.
Sins against Holy Spirit are unforgivable because sinner is the one who don’t want to be forgiven, in translation sinner which do not repent for his sinns.
There are 6 sinns against Holy Spirit:
  1. Despairing of salvation. This is when a person loses hope of salvation, judging that his eternal life is already lost and that he is condemned, even before Judgment. It means judging divine mercy as being small. It means not believing in God’s justice and power.
  1. Presumption of salvation is when a person cultivates in his soul an idea of his own perfection, which implies a feeling of pride. He believes his salvation has been guaranteed by what he has done.
  1. Denying a truth recognized as such by the Magisterium of the Church. When a person doesn’t accept the truths (dogmas) of the faith, even after an exhaustive doctrinal explanation, it is the sin of heresy. He considers his personal understanding to be greater than that of the Church and the teaching of the Holy Spirit that assists the holy Magisterium.
  1. Envying the grace that God gives to other people . Envy is a sentiment of discontent because someone else obtained something good, even if you yourself already possess it or could obtain it some day. It’s the act of not wanting what is good for your neighbor. With this sin, I make myself the judge of the world. I’m revolting against the Divine Will. I’m rebelling against the law of love for one’s neighbor.
  1. Obstinacy in sin is the firm will to continue in error even after receiving the light and help of the Holy Spirit. This is when a person creates his own criteria for ethical judgment, or simply doesn’t adopt any ethics at all, and in this way separates himself from God’s will and rejects salvation.
  1. Final impenitence is the result of an entire life of rejecting God. This is when a person persists in error until the very end. It’s the equivalent of consecrating oneself to Christ’s adversary. Even at the hour of death, such a person refuses to approach the Father with humility. He doesn’t open himself to the Holy Spirit’s invitation.
Also talk to priest, he will explain and asnwer your questions.
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Don’t forget how powerful the name of Jesus is as a prayer. If these things happen to you, you didn’t consent, you call to Jesus for help. Even just saying Jesus help me is good. Then wait calmly for him to help you knowing he has heard you and is helping even if you feel no different. Remember the disciples in the boat, Jesus calmed the storm for them, but he was sleeping peacefully…there was never anything to worry about. Just call for Jesus and stay calm. He is already there with you.
this is my personal opinion, (I’m not a doctor, so I can not say anything about mental health or whatever) When I was younger, thoughts like this came into my head from time to time. I was going through a dark period in my life. What I will say and again this is MY OPINION is that those thoughts were a result of a spiritual battle going on in my life. In my experience going to Confession and dumping everything that is on your mind no matter how horrible, praying the rosary daily, and understanding that you literally cannot sell your soul helped me with these thoughts.

God loves you and wants you into heaven with him MORE THAN YOU DO haha! Trust and love him. Read his written word and always say prayer when these “spiritual battles” come around (I say something like, Lord Jesus, help me…Mary Mother of God, crush the head of these evil thoughts, etc.) You also have a guardian angel who has been with you since birth. He also would like to help you, so ask for his help.

As others have stated, blasphemy against the Holy Spirit is final impenitence. Going to confession and trusting that God has forgiven you usually helps me with this. Also, a sin is not mortal if you do not will it.
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