Please help

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I’ve been away from the Church for 20 years and would like to again become a member. I was raised Catholic, was confirmed, attended Catholic school and married in the Church. I’m divorced now, but not remarried. Not sure if all I have to do is go to confession to receive the sacraments again. Please advise. Tks!
I think all you have to do is go to Confession… just talk to your priest, and you should be good to go 🙂

Welcome home! :extrahappy:
I’ve been away from the Church for 20 years and would like to again become a member. I was raised Catholic, was confirmed, attended Catholic school and married in the Church. I’m divorced now, but not remarried. Not sure if all I have to do is go to confession to receive the sacraments again. Please advise. Tks!
Yes, as Jenny Z said, all you need is to receive the Sacrament of Confession (Penance, Reconciliation, whatever it’s called nowadays…). Be open, be honest, and be assured the priest has heard it all before. 🙂
Welcome home! Go to confession, the sooner the better.
I’ve been away from the Church for 20 years and would like to again become a member. I was raised Catholic, was confirmed, attended Catholic school and married in the Church. I’m divorced now, but not remarried. Not sure if all I have to do is go to confession to receive the sacraments again. Please advise. Tks!
Yes. I believe this is the correct procedure (to go to confession) unless you formally left the church. Then you may need to also go through the RCIA program. But go to confession first and follow the priest’s advice.

Welcome home! It’s wonderful.
Dear Cathy… WELCOME HOME!! Praise God! And “Be Not Afraid!”…

I was away for 10 years… all I did was go to Confession. The priest in the confessional said “I’m humbled to be the one to welcome you back into the Church”. He absolved me from my sins, left the confessional and gave me Holy Communion, right then and there!

That was over 3 years ago. I will never leave Home again. God bless you! I’m so glad you’re coming back! :clapping:
Thank you Marie and all who have responded. Your encouragement has helped a great deal. All this is very scary. Now I just need to get the nerve to speak to the priest!
Hi again Cathy. Once you have spoken to your priest, I assure you… you will wonder “What was I so nervous about?” 😉 Please keep us posted… as we all await with great joy… your return Home.

P.S. It might help you to say a little prayer to our late Holy Father, John Paul II. I did this, prior to my return. And I was amazed at how quickly he helped me. During his pontificate… John Paul II frequently said to us (echoing the words of Jesus)… “Be Not Afraid”. Well, when I went to confession… the priest who welcomed me back, said those words to me IN the confessional. He said “for your penance… I ask you to ‘Be Not Afraid’”. :eek: I nearly fell over backward (but with joy!)… for I knew then, that John Paul II had indeed prayed for my return.

I know, he will do the same for you. And I am also praying for you. God bless.
I’ve been away from the Church for 20 years and would like to again become a member. I was raised Catholic, was confirmed, attended Catholic school and married in the Church. I’m divorced now, but not remarried. Not sure if all I have to do is go to confession to receive the sacraments again. Please advise. Tks!
if you are divorced and not remarried or in any irregular living situation, you merely need to make a general confession and return to the sacraments. call your local priest and make an appointment, esp. if you have other questions or issues, RE for children etc. RCIA does not pertain to situation described by OP

Welcome Home!
Thank you Marie and all who have responded. Your encouragement has helped a great deal. All this is very scary. Now I just need to get the nerve to speak to the priest!
May I suggest Eucharistic Adoration. Practice your confession there, so that you don’t feel as scared or fearful of talking to the Priest.

God bless you and welcome Home!
I read your post, and my eyes welled with tears, happy tears. Welcome home!🙂

You’ll do just fine with your confession. 👍

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