Please Pray for me....

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My heart goes out to you, I understand some of your pain.

My prayers and thoughts are with you.

Good Luck!

May we be able to see God’s will through our own sin and the sins of others.
I will start praying for you right now!

God bless you and be assured by all of our prayers. This is a time of testing and carrying your cross. Remember to turn to Christ in the dificult times, not turn away! Jesus loves you!

I’m afraid to ask since you didn’t post the results but how did things go?

Yes, Frank, and remember, even if things don’t go so well the first time you can appeal. In NYS, in addition to the lawyers for the wife and for the husband, the children have a lawyer/ guardian who is to be concerned with THEIR welfare, and you may be able to work with that person. Give them ALL the information, let the children talk with him, ask for psychological evaluation and counseling (most courts will demand it at some point anyway). Also, many areas have groups which support Father’s Rights, and they may have good advice for you. You are in our prayers.
I wanted to take a moment to update all of my Brothers and Sisters who have prayed for me. The hearing was held on May 9th without a hitch. A very short hearing to be sure, the purpose of it was to determine what to do in the interim until a full day long hearing will be held. I have very good news for you all:

The Judge allowed my wife to stay in the house with the children and ordered me to pay child support for the time being. I am given custody on Wed. nights and all weekends.

So why is it good new that I am not in my house where I belong when my wife abandoned it you might ask. This is because the judge also gave her all of the bills that go with it. The bills are easily twice the child support she ordered and she began lamenting almost immediately.

She has become so erratic at this point that she has given me significantly more to document for the various authorities then I had originally and when she defaults on the bills that will likely be the clincher.

I will keep you posted after the June 24th hearing, but I do continue to ask for your prayers and support especially for my children who are the real victims in this tragedy.

I had such a great time with my children though, and my dear sister is putting me up at her beautiful home for now as I loose my place to live as of the 18th of May. My faith is still as strong as ever though, and I cannot help but feel that right will be on my side when this is all done.

Take care and God Bless you all.
HA Ha! I like that judge!

“So you want the house huh?”
“Well here you go… enjoy.”

I am saddend by your situation Frank, but I pray that you and your children will remain under Christ’s protection through this.

I also haven’t noticed many people praying for your wife… so I offer my nightly prayers to her, that she might be opened to God and realize the terrible mistakes she is making for her life, and for her children’s life.

Even if things are irrepairable in the marriage between you and your wife, I would hope that you could both have your hearts opened to the other and allow charity and kindness flow between you both- for your kid’s sake.

Congratulations on your hearing.
I will add you to my daily prayers- all of you. May God allow you to parent your children and keep bringing Jesus into their lives. God Bless you.
God granted you a just and wise judge. Just proves that God is in charge of retribution. Leave all to Him and trust.
I notice that tomorrow is June 24, when another hearing comes up, and am praying that God’s will will be done for your family, and that He will especially look after your children.
In Jesus’ holy Name.
Me too,in Jesus Holy name give him strength and may th judge treat him with justice and may his wife be giventhe grace to see the wrong she has done.AMEN
may Christs peace extend to you and your family in this time of distress, I am praying for you. And as I belong to the confraternaty of the most holy rosary, these intentions will be presented to the blessed mother through thousands of believers. Most importantly, may you find in your heart forgiveness for your wife as others have said before, and may you also keep your children close, do not hide anything from them. my parents divorced when I was three, and I was devastated, but knowledge will be an inexpendable tool for them to cope with this issue.

may the Lord rest his will upon you, and may all that comes your way cause your faith to grow.

much love
:gopray: Im still praying for you, and I hope your hearing went well
please tell us how everything panned out. :blessyou:

God will bring you though this, as he has done with countless followers before you. Remember to keep your children close, and may Christ work his wonders through you

much love
Frank…that is such a sad and tragic story…and what is worse is that it happens all the time now-a-days…both women and men just bailing on their families. You and your children are in my prayers…do not despair, the Lord is with you and will deliver you from this horrid situation. God Bless, Sonny
My wife of 16 years left me and my children for another man on Jan-7 2005. She filed for divorce and went on her merry way. While I was away on a business trip 3 weeks ago, she moved back into my house took my kids, and claimed everything as hers.

Although I have legal rights to the home is it hopeless, she will not move. My preist tells me her boyfriend threw her out.

I filed three motions immediately to protect my property, but most importantly to regain custody of my two children and my home.

My hearing is on May-9, 2005. I pray every day, all day actually. I am exhorting others to pray as well.

I ask everone who has a minute to please pray that the judge will see the truth, that I will regain my children and home shortly after this hearing.

Thank you in advance for your prayers…

Feel free to send me a small note at if you have an inspired word for me. Thanks.
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