Please pray for mother of baby drowned in 'freak' accident

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It is with much difficulty that I respond to this post…….A few years ago, a family member was watching our 16 month old son when she became distracted and didn’t realize a 16 month old could open the heavy door that usually sticks closed. Minutes later she found our son in the pond. He liked to feed the fish. Despite bystander CPR, rapid EMS response and transport, and heroic efforts by all, including the hospital staff, this beautiful gift of God went home to the Lord who lent him to us for this all too brief period. Here’s a glimpse into the life of a parent whose child suddenly dies:

While I was at the ER watching the resuscitation effort, the family member was being interrogated by the police. The police allowed the priest in to the scene. But access from others was restricted.

After our son died, his body was evidence. The police also watched my every move until the coroner took possession of him. I refused to leave the room when the evidence technician came and was the one to turn him side to side for all the pictures. My husband had to drive 1 ½ hours home from a business trip, after being told what happened to his son.

The funeral home needed to know our son’s height and weight – so they could order the correct casket. I didn’t realize there are many “child sizes”………And how does one choose an appropriate outfit for a dead child to wear forever……and don’t forget the diaper, State law required he be buried in one.

The coroner called to say the autopsy was completed and my child was perfectly healthy. She was very kind and compassionate, but all I could think of was….except he’s dead!

The news media wants to talk to the grieving parents, family and neighbors. Fortunately, friends were able to run interference and make this a “non-story”, but I know others who have been hounded by the press, only to see their interview turn into a “what the parents did wrong” story.

Then there are the toys, the clothes, questions of siblings and other children, the engraved Christmas cards waiting to be addressed, the Christmas gifts purchased……

What does it feel like……imagine someone came up to you, and without anesthesia, reached into your chest, ripped your heart out, threw it on the ground, stomped on it, and walked away without so much as a word. You can pick up the pieces and try to put them back together, but there will always be scars in the macerated flesh that may burst open at any time. And this pain happens before the well-meaning and not-so-well-meaning comments of others.

There was enough grief, pain, blame and loss to last a lifetime that day and in the days that followed. My family has survived. Unlike many parents whose children die, my husband and I did not separate. Healing came through the prayers of others and faith. Through the intercession of our Mother of Sorrows, the Lord comforted us and sent others to be there when we needed them.

Bottom line, none of us were there when this freak accident happened. And even those of us in similar circumstances can’t know exactly what this mother and family are feeling. What I do know is they need our prayers; as do the police, rescue crews, and others who were there. Prayers for healing, self-forgiveness, forgiveness of others, and acceptance of this occurrance as a cross they have to bear. And while you are at it, hug your children and tell them how much you love them.

It is with much difficulty that I respond to this post…….A few years ago, a family member was watching our 16 month old son when she became distracted and didn’t realize a 16 month old could open the heavy door that usually sticks closed. Minutes later she found our son in the pond. He liked to feed the fish. Despite bystander CPR, rapid EMS response and transport, and heroic efforts by all, including the hospital staff, this beautiful gift of God went home to the Lord who lent him to us for this all too brief period. Here’s a glimpse into the life of a parent whose child suddenly dies:
While I was at the ER watching the resuscitation effort, the family member was being interrogated by the police. The police allowed the priest in to the scene. But access from others was restricted.
OH MY GOODNESS!!! I am soo sad for you! It made me cry. Thankyou for sharing this sad, heartbreaking story! I agree with you totally. I know there are lots of questions surrounding this but my heart goes out to this family.
I couldn’t think of anything worse than losing a child and every day almost since it happened I have thought of them and what they would be feeling. The constant,…‘why didn’t I…why…’
She would be feeling like a failure, a bad mother, wondering whether her husband blames her.
Oh the depression she would feel! His first Christmas, him not there., New years would not be happy, she would wake every day with a heavy heart.
This mother DID love her baby and did NOT mean to drown her baby. They tried for 8 months to conceive.
My heart aches for people that lose young children. And it is worse for those who were the ‘responsible’ adult when the tragedy happens. How would they ever recover?
What a heavy cross to bear!
I feel as if I am living this, it has affected me so much. I bought the paper the day after the funeral and I cried and cried reading it. I re-read it yesterday and I still cried. I have been praying for her and her family. The grief that must fill their hearts!
These people are not religious so they don’t have the comfort of knowing their precious child is with God. Maybe this will stir something in them, convert them, we can only hope.
I am so sad for you MSJoan, how terrible, how tragic. Words cannot express how painful this must be, I’m sure. I will pray for you and your family. God must love you very much to give you such suffering.
God Bless
MSJoan, I don’t know what to say other than I am so terribly sorry for what your family has been through. Thank you for sharing your story with us, and God Bless you and your family.
Thanks for the prayers and thoughts.

It may sound strange, but if our Blessed Mother could accept watching her innocent Child beaten and killed; I knew that through the prayers of others and Mary’s intercessions, I would receive the grace to accept our son’s death and survive. 👍
Joan, I am so sorry to hear what happened to your baby. I think all of us have experienced those times when we find out that our little ones can do something we didn’t think they were capable of. I know that I’ve caught my toddler up to some major mischief that could have indeed gone horribly wrong if it weren’t for my coming along.

It hurts me to see how people want to look for fault in the parent or caretaker of the baby. On the one hand, I know that the police must do this because their job is to do this… they probably do discover a lot of accidents that aren’t really accidents. But, why do other parents rush to judgement? I think it’s maybe because we all don’t want to believe that these freak accidents can simply happen. It terrifies us to know that we can’t watch our babies 24-7, ever second of the day. So, we watch our little ones like hawks and then, when the unthinkable happens to someone else, we would rather think “Oh, they must have done something wrong… they weren’t careful enough. Maybe they didn’t love their child enough. I’ll be more careful! I love my child very much! It can’t happen to me!”

I think that’s the motivation for looking to lay blame.
Thanks katybird,

It hurts when one is suspected of being involved in the death of their child. In our case, the insurance company wouldn’t pay out on the meager policy. They were suspicious of anyone who had a policy on a child - even though they openly marketed the policy to the employees. They wouldn’t pay until my employer “had a little chat” with them.

I can understand why people are suspicious and do not have any ill feelings towards them. Sadly, there have been incidents where a parent contributes to their child’s death. When a child dies unexpectedly, the police have to do an investigation. I would venture to say all police officers and investigators are affected in some way by a child’s death - and it’s worse for them if a crime was involved. (Children aren’t supposed to died…isn’t that written somewhere:) ) Through personal and professional experiences, I’ve seen the emotional trauma police officers, rescuers and healthcare workers endure in these situations. They have to put the parents through the gruelling investigation, recognizing the trauma to the parents if indeed all occurred as the parents stated. But they also can’t let a crime go unpunished. My experience with the police was minor compared to other parents I’ve known. One had Child Protective Services threaten to take her other children. Ultimately, they found there was no fault on the part of the parents - it was just a terrible accident.

All I know to do is to pray for all of them…the parents whose child has died, the rescuers, the healthcare workers, and the police and investigators. We also have to pray for all parents that if they should be tempted to harm their child they have sufficient strength to seek help - before something happens.
When you hear of or read a story such as this, first pray for those parents. If they are responsible deliberately, they need your prayers. If they are the victims of tragedy, they need your prayers. Above all, pray for them and their families. The worst thing you can do is blame them in any way (assuming no foul play).

Many of you already know about our loss Gabriel died last March. It is the job of the police officers to determine if there was any foul play. It is not the job of the bystander or the job of someone casually reading about the tragedy. Their job is to pray. Losing a child may be the hardest cross. Only through prayer will these families recover–but they will recover as I and MSJoan have.

Anyone who reads these things and feels particularly touched—it may be God prompting you to pray for them. These things happen far too often. There is so much suffering out there and so many freak accidents—a nine yr old boy saw his twin hit fatally by a truck, a toddler killed when a shard from a broken casserole bounced up an cut her neck, countless toddler drownings, the list goes on and on. It can seem overwhelming. Pray. Above all, pray.
Anyone who reads these things and feels particularly touched—it may be God prompting you to pray for them. These things happen far too often. There is so much suffering out there and so many freak accidents—a nine yr old boy saw his twin hit fatally by a truck, a toddler killed when a shard from a broken casserole bounced up an cut her neck, countless toddler drownings, the list goes on and on. It can seem overwhelming. Pray. Above all, pray.
Yes! I have a family member who lost a child from SIDS about 4 years ago now. Families need prayers not only at the time of the death, but for many years to come. Ladies, I have been and will continue to pray for you.
What a sad loss to suffer!
I will pray for the mother and father.
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