Please pray for my premie!

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My baby was born 10 wks early almost a week ago. He is doing well. He is still in the NICU. Please pray for him and our family. It was a traumatic birth. Also, do any of you know of any good sites I could check out about premies. Thanks in advance. I am so grateful he is here and in good hands. But, I have my okay and bad moments.

My Cousin had triplets that were born almost 3 months early and they had a very rough start but they just had their 1st birthdays and they are doing great. Also, my other cousin and his wife had their son 12 weeks early and he had to be in the hosptial for 68 days but he is home now and he also just turned one and he is also doing great, they (the doctors/hosp) have made Huge strides so just take one day at a time, what I did find out from my cousins is that some days seemed like everything was going so great and the next day it looked awful but then boom, it would go better again, ONE DAY AT A TIME and Of course you and your baby our in my prayers!!!

During my 11 years as a nurse in the newborn intensive care unit (NICU), I witnessed my share of tragedy, joy, and suffering. I worked in state hospitals, private hospitals, and teaching hospitals. My patients ranged from wealthy to poor. These experiences provided me with an objective view of what families endure when a baby is premature. Then my own worst nightmare happened; I delivered a 26 week and 1 day, 790 gm baby girl.

Suddenly I felt the anguish I had only seen in others, and I began to understand the depth of pain and the length of struggle parents live through. It was difficult to comprehend the overwhelming nature of this crisis until I lived it. By sharing my journey, my joy, and my pain I hope to give other nurses better insight in helping parents survive their emotional “roller coaster ride” in the NICU.
My baby was born 10 wks early almost a week ago. He is doing well. He is still in the NICU. Please pray for him and our family. It was a traumatic birth. Also, do any of you know of any good sites I could check out about premies. Thanks in advance. I am so grateful he is here and in good hands. But, I have my okay and bad moments.

I’ll say a prayer for you and your son…God Bless you
You have my prayers. My twins were born 9 weeks, 1 day early, and it was scary as all get out. They are so tiny, so helpless, and you feel so helpless. and on occasion, you get the feeling that the nurses and doctors just don’t get it.

Trust them, they know what they are doing. And keep praying.

My twins are 22, and they turned out just fine. Not without some struggles and fears, and a couple of big bumps in the road, but fine.
My baby was born 10 wks early almost a week ago. He is doing well. He is still in the NICU. Please pray for him and our family. It was a traumatic birth. Also, do any of you know of any good sites I could check out about premies. Thanks in advance. I am so grateful he is here and in good hands. But, I have my okay and bad moments.

we’ll be praying for you both, and your whole family!
Thank you all for your kind words and sharing. It helps to know we are not alone.
I am looking forward to the links.
The baby was taken off the breathing respirator yesterday, so that is a wonderful sign. Thank you for your continued prayers.

Dear Monicathree,

I’m glad that you let us know of the need for prayers
for your son. Please be assured of mine.

And, “Thank you, God, for giving Monicathree a
beautiful baby boy. Please keep her, too, in Your
loving care, comfort her and be with her.”

I will remember you and all your family specially your baby tonight at Adoration.
My first daughter was born at 27 weeks. She was 1 lbs. 10 ounces and fit in my hand. She is now three years and three months old. She is healthy and wonderful. She quickly grew but has always had problems gaining weight. We guess she’ll just have to be a super-model. 😃

As Mary was a mother I feel a Hail Mary here is particularly appropriate.

Hail Mary full of Grace, the Lord is with thee. Blessed are thou among women and blessed is the fruit of thy womb Jesus. Holy Mary Mother of God, pray for us sinners now and at the hour of our death Amen.
Again, thank you all for your kind words and prayers. The baby is now in the incubator and is doing well. I didn’t mention it before, cause I didn’t really have time to get into the whole thing but I had a flu which is probably what caused the birth, which after turned into pnemonia. I have been cleared and finished my antibiotics so today was the first day I met my son. I got to do the kangaroo hold. Thank you for your continued prayers… I am trying to stay in the moment and not get too scared for him and what might be. He is doing well and I am grateful for that.


You can count on my prayers, too. God Bless your little one…

I know a couple who had quads three months earaly. The kids are now about two, and are doing just fine.

Catholic Heart
Your premie is in my prayers.

God’s Grace be with you and your family…
You, your Beautiful Baby Boy, and your family, are all in my Prayers, and I will keep all of you in my Prayers for as long as they are needed.

You have been through a very stressful birth, and had to go through it being sick too.

Hugs and Love to you, Monica,
I’ll be praying for you both in my rosary tonight - from the mouth of a premie 🙂 My twin brother and I were born three months early. Seventeen years later we are both happy and perfectly healthy ! Pax with you and your baby
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