Please pray

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:crying: My baby brother Marc has to go back to the hospital. His Bili count is going up. We can’t get it to go back down. I am sure there is something else to it, because mom broke down and started crying. It took her about 10 minutes to compose herself again. Please, we could use all the prayers we can get, as he was born 4 weeks early. (See Mom had her Baby…four weeks early) PLEAsE PLEASE PLEASE pray for him. Our family is ferventley praying he gets better. Thank you. And if any one else wants to request prayers, post it and I will pray for those as well. Than you.
kramerbaby said:
:crying: My baby brother Marc has to go back to the hospital. His Bili count is going up. We can’t get it to go back down. I am sure there is something else to it, because mom broke down and started crying. It took her about 10 minutes to compose herself again. Please, we could use all the prayers we can get, as he was born 4 weeks early. (See Mom had her Baby…four weeks early) PLEAsE PLEASE PLEASE pray for him. Our family is ferventley praying he gets better. Thank you. And if any one else wants to request prayers, post it and I will pray for those as well. Than you.

I will pray for him and your family. Don’t despair. I don’t know that much about the bili count except that my kids had it, too. One of my daughters was 3 weeks early. 4 weeks is not too bad.

Remember, Mom’s hormones are probably going up and down and up and down right now. Also, she probably isn’t getting enough sleep. That would make me cry on any given day.

The best think that you can do for your parents besides praying would be:

1- Don’t fight or argue with your siblings.

2- Calmly do whatever your mom or dad says when they say it.

3- Help clean the house with a cheerful face.

Of course, you realize that they might wonder if something is really wrong if they come home to a clean house and happy, cooperative children. 😛

Be not afraid. This, too, shall pass.
Dear Kramerbaby,

Like SusanL, I’m praying for Marc as well as you and the rest of your family.

SusanL offered some great suggestions. I encourage you to follow her advice for the practical ways that you can love … not only for your Mom’s sake, but for your sake, as well. I say this because I know that it helps ME when I have something that I know that I can do, even as small as it may seem, to help out.

In any case, and EVERY case, no matter what… God IS in charge. Please do not despair. Please do not presume. God doesn’t want any of us to do either of those things (each one of those boils down to a “pride thing”).

Please DO do what He tells us to do – which is to hope that no matter what, it is now and will continue to be good. God wants only the best for us. He is NOT going to let you down! No matter how it comes out, even if we don’t see it that way, it will be Good.

I’m talking from my own experience here. Long story, but what I thought was the worst thing that could happen, did. It hurt me TONS! Coming out of that storm, now, I see that it really WAS good that it happened.

I’ve learned that in the tough times and even in the toughest times… God is at work. We may not see Him… yet, He’s there. Active in our life. You’re blessed with a Faith that you can consider that such a thing could even be true. And, you’re acting on it by asking us to pray for you.

Prayer DOES matter and it DOES make a difference, my friend! You’ve already done the ONE thing that has the most bang for the buck. And I’m glad that you might be willing to take action on that **Faith ** of yours by serving your Mom and family in even the small ways these days.

Bottom line… as Jesus said so very many times (at least the number of times and ways that it’s recorded in the Scripture that He’s flat out said it – and that is:

Do not be afraid

What helped me when my Mom was very sick was it came to me to read to her the story


of Jesus sleeping in the boat and the storm came up. The disciples in TOTAL fear scrambled over to Him to wake Him up so that they could implore him to do something… ANYthing… about it.

I’m only 48 years old… and even now, as I picture that scene as His disciples are shaking him out of His very much needed sleep, I can see him in my imagination cracking open just one eye as he wakes up, the storm squaling all around the boat, rocking it all around all crazy-like…

and Him? He’s saying, clearly, lovingly, in whatever tone it was that he used (different times that I meditate on this scene, I hear His tone of voice differently depending on how apparently it is that I need to hear it spoken to me at that moment in my life) …

Be not afraid!!

And then… the storm stops. He’s done it.

So, please trust that He’ll do that for your Mom. And for anyone else… like you.

I’m praying for your brother, your mother, and you, too that you not be afraid… that you are able to trust… and to do whatever it is that you need to do in faith, hope, and love around all this, and always.
Your sister in Christ,
Veronica Anne

 :blessyou:  :amen:  :heart:
Praying for Mark. It might be nice to say a prayer to his patron saint, Saint Mark.

God bless
Deacon Tony SFO
I think it’s great that you are so concerned about him. When my little brother was born, I was all for sending him back to the hospital and leaving him there!!! I was 9 at the time, and was expected to do all the usual stuff with him. Change diapers, fix formula and give bottles. I had zero interest in it and hated doing it. Since that was in the early '70’s, I had no say in it. Bummer.

Well, I’ll add my prayers. Do what you can to help out around the house. But don’t force yourself to do the things that you absolutely hate. You’ll only end up resentful over it. Are you old enough to do some of the cooking? I’m sure that your mom would really appreciate that. I know that, with my mom, if she wasn’t feeling well and I took over the cooking, she was extremely grateful for it. 👍
Yeah, I am 15. I bake cookies and cook supper evryonce in a while. I just think Marc is too cute to have anything wrone with him. sigh I really hope he gets better. Thanks for your prayers. If you have decided to pray for him, please post it so I can acknowledge it. I should like to thank those who are praying for Marc.
Thank you for your prayers. So far, his Bilicount has gone down 2 points. now only 19 more to go! Please, just say a quick prayer. Let me know If you do. Just put a post that says “praying for Marc” Is all I ask. All prayers are greatly appreciated. thank you sooo much.
Lord, we thank you and praise you for the gift of life! We ask you to look tenderly on baby Marc and surround him with Your wonderful, healing Light. You have formed this baby in his mother’s womb and he is Yours. Surround the family with your strength and hope to realize that it is You that have loved this baby to life.

Our Lady, the Mother of all mothers. I pray that you surround the babe with your mantle and lay him on your bosom. May he hear your heart as Jesus Himself did as a babe. May the beat of your heart, the tender touch of your body and the warmth of your love heal him.

And always, we thank you You Father, Son and Spirit for your presence in the family’s life!


My prayers for your baby brother, Marc. 3 of my children had elevated bilirubin levels, requiring some time under the ultraviolet lights to resolve it; all went well and they have had no adverse aftereffects. One is an adult now (he was full term); the other two, now a 1 year old and the other almost 4 were each 4 weeks early. I suspect that the cause of your Mom’s tears, etc, is as suggested by another poster - post-partum hormonal changes. I’ve read a lot of your posts here and I think that you’re a remarkable caring and concerned young lady. As a Dad, my opinion is that any parent would be proud to call you their own.

I’ll also post a request for prayers for Marc in the Prayer Forum of the Byzantine Forum, a message board which is home to myself and several other Eastern Catholics and Orthodox who post here.

May God grant baby Marc, you, your Mom, and your entire family many years of happiness and health,

Well, his Bili count went down last night to 16.5, but then it went up again this morning to 16.9. If it goes up again, he has to stay another noght at the hospital. If it goes down, he can COME HOME! Please, keep on praying. Thank you soo much. The power of prayer.
HE MIGHT COME HOME TOMORROW! WOOHOO! yeaheh! thanks for payers. If you could keep praying, or even strat praying for him, and let me know, I will pray for you now, and If you ever are in a time of need, like my family is. Thank you sooo much. I think we are finding out the power of prayer.
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