Please recommend a Latin missal!

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I am interested in buying an old missal that contains the mass in Latin. I am looking in various book stores as well as on E-bay. Could someone please recommend a good one that would have been used when the mass was still said in Latin? There are several St. Joseph Missals on E-bay right now dated from 1953-1957. Would these be good missals? Also, are there any modern missals that are in Latin? Thank you and peace.
I am interested in buying an old missal that contains the mass in Latin. I am looking in various book stores as well as on E-bay. Could someone please recommend a good one that would have been used when the mass was still said in Latin? There are several St. Joseph Missals on E-bay right now dated from 1953-1957. Would these be good missals? Also, are there any modern missals that are in Latin? Thank you and peace.
I have heard that the St. Andrew Missal is a good one. In fact, my husband is giving me one for my Sept. 11th. birthday.
Forgot to tell you that the Daily Roman Missal is in both Latin and English. This missal has recently been revised. I have the old one…
I have heard that the St. Andrew Missal is a good one. In fact, my husband is giving me one for my Sept. 11th. birthday.
St. Andrew’s is the one I use. I have looked at quite a few and this is the one that I decided on. I think it is excellent. Although I am still planning on buying a few others.

BTW, an early Happy Birthday to you!

St. Andrew’s is the one I use. I have looked at quite a few and this is the one that I decided on. I think it is excellent. Although I am still planning on buying a few others.

BTW, an early Happy Birthday to you!

Thank you for the “Happy Birthday”…

**I have to admit that I am a sucker for “churcy” books, especially if they are bound in leather. I worked in my friend’s Catholic bookstore for several years, and have a pretty good library! **

**I hated it when the Daily Roman MIssal was revised…it was my favorite book, and I used it nearly every day. I do plan to get a new one, but want to buy a St. Andrew Missal first. I have the St. Joseph Daily MIssals, and plan to buy the matching Sunday Missal, to complete the set…Only God and I know how much money I have spent on my collection of “churchy” books:D …My DH certainly does not!😉 **

The Missal you want depends on the use you want it for. If you use the St. Andrews or St. Joseph Missals printed prior to 1962 they will not exactly match the Latin Mass as now said under the Ecclesia Dei Indult. The major differences will be found in the addition of St. Josephs name to the prayer ‘Communicantes’ in the Canon of the Mass and the deletion from the Communion prayers of a second Confiteor. In addition to this there was also some other restructuring of the Latin Rite in the document Novum Rubricarum so that the calendar on certain days will not follow the proper sequence. If the Missal is older than 1955 it may not have the revisions to Holy Week instituted by Pope Pius XII. All that aside one can still use an older Missal if one is aware of the changes as I often use the reprint edition (circa 1993) of the Fr. Lassance’s Missal which incorporates the revisions of Pius XII but not John XXIII. I know of no currently available reprints of the 1962 Missal, though I have a Sunday Missal of that (I prefer Fr. Lassance because of it’s many explanations and additional prayers). Angelus Press is supposed to have one available in the Fall of 2004. And I know that there are handbooks of the the Ordinary of the Mass that can be gotten from various Latin Mass organizations (these will not contain Introit, Graduale, Sequence, Readings etc.)

I know of no currently available reprints of the 1962 Missal, though I have a Sunday Missal of that (I prefer Fr. Lassance because of it’s many explanations and additional prayers). Angelus Press is supposed to have one available in the Fall of 2004. And I know that there are handbooks of the the Ordinary of the Mass that can be gotten from various Latin Mass organizations (these will not contain Introit, Graduale, Sequence, Readings etc.)
The 1962 Latin-English Missal that Angelus Press will be selling is, or will be, published by Baronius Press. Take a look . . .

The Daily Roman Missal, published by Scepter, is great for those who want a Latin-English hand-missal that corresponds to the current Roman Rite . . .

BUT wait for the upcoming Fall 2004 printing as the current one has a very unfortunate number of misprints (mostly errors that prevent ease of use). If you have to buy it “now” though, it is still a magnificent (I dare say “important”) Catholic book/resource to own.

In the Hearts of Jesus and Mary.
The 1962 Latin-English Missal that Angelus Press will be selling is, or will be, published by Baronius Press. Take a look . . .

The Daily Roman Missal, published by Scepter, is great for those who want a Latin-English hand-missal that corresponds to the current Roman Rite . . .

BUT wait for the upcoming Fall 2004 printing as the current one has a very unfortunate number of misprints (mostly errors that prevent ease of use). If you have to buy it “now” though, it is still a magnificent (I dare say “important”) Catholic book/resource to own.

In the Hearts of Jesus and Mary.
Does the Daily Roman Missal contain the readings for Sunday as well? Also, it appears the Latin is simply a translation from the English mass. Is that correct? In other words, it would not be what is used to say a TLM.
The Missal you want depends on the use you want it for. If you use the St. Andrews or St. Joseph Missals printed prior to 1962 they will not exactly match the Latin Mass as now said under the Ecclesia Dei Indult. The major differences will be found in the addition of St. Josephs name to the prayer ‘Communicantes’ in the Canon of the Mass and the deletion from the Communion prayers of a second Confiteor. In addition to this there was also some other restructuring of the Latin Rite in the document Novum Rubricarum so that the calendar on certain days will not follow the proper sequence. If the Missal is older than 1955 it may not have the revisions to Holy Week instituted by Pope Pius XII. All that aside one can still use an older Missal if one is aware of the changes as I often use the reprint edition (circa 1993) of the Fr. Lassance’s Missal which incorporates the revisions of Pius XII but not John XXIII. I know of no currently available reprints of the 1962 Missal, though I have a Sunday Missal of that (I prefer Fr. Lassance because of it’s many explanations and additional prayers). Angelus Press is supposed to have one available in the Fall of 2004. And I know that there are handbooks of the the Ordinary of the Mass that can be gotten from various Latin Mass organizations (these will not contain Introit, Graduale, Sequence, Readings etc.)

Thanks. I found the website for Angelus Press. Would the 1962 Missal be appropriate for TLM? Or would the Fr. Lassance Missal be better?
**Rich…You are correct…The Daily Roman Missal is not meant for the indult Mass, but for the NO Mass. It has all the Sunday readings, as well as all the daily ones…It’s a magnificant book, and I intend to get a new one when the revision is available…It’s great for daily meditative reading, and is good looking, to boot. **
Let me add the following to clarify my resaon fro wanting a Latin Missal. I am interested in learning more about the TLM and would like to attend one. I would like a missal that I could use to follow along while at the mass. Since I am a book collector of sorts, I would rather just have one for my collection. I would also be interested in a missal that contains both English and Latin for translation purposes. I would also be interested in a missal that would be good for the regular English mass I attend now. I have seen the soon to be released 1962 Roman Missal, the Fr. Lassance Missal, the St. Andrew Missal and the St. Joseph Missal

  1. *]Is there a Missal that would do all of the above?
    *]If not, what two missals would acclomplish my goals?

    Thanks ahead of time for all your help!
CD4 said:
**Rich…You are correct…The Daily Roman Missal is not meant for the indult Mass, but for the NO Mass. It has all the Sunday readings, as well as all the daily ones…It’s a magnificant book, and I intend to get a new one when the revision is available…It’s great for daily meditative reading, and is good looking, to boot. **

Okay, so it sounds like the new upcoming 1962 Daily Roman Missal is a great missal for the NO mass. Do I want the 1962 reprint, or just the new edition of the Daily Roman Missal? I will definately be looking forward to that. As far as the TLM, I am now left with a choice between the St. Andrew’s Missal and the Fr. Lassance Missal. Thanks for the help.
**You won’t believe this…But, my friend, who owns an excellent Catholic bookstore just this minute called to let me know that the new Daily Roman Missal ARE IN! Now I have to decide what to buy…:confused: a St. Andrew’s Missal, which I really want, or a new Daily Roman Missal, which I ALSO really want. Either way, I will be happy, and will plan to get the other one later. **
CD4 said:
**You won’t believe this…But, my friend, who owns an excellent Catholic bookstore just this minute called to let me know that the new Daily Roman Missal ARE IN! Now I have to decide what to buy…:confused: a St. Andrew’s Missal, which I really want, or a new Daily Roman Missal, which I ALSO really want. Either way, I will be happy, and will plan to get the other one later. **

What do you think of the 1962 Daily Roman Missal coming out in the next couple of months? Would it be any different than the current DRM you are talking about? Also, do you know if the St. Andrew’s Missal is available with leather binding?
What do you think of the 1962 Daily Roman Missal coming out in the next couple of months? Would it be any different than the current DRM you are talking about? Also, do you know if the St. Andrew’s Missal is available with leather binding?
**The 1952 Daily Roman Missal goes with the TLM, and the Daily Roman Missal that was just revised and is now on sale, is for the NO Mass. The St. Andrew’s Daily Missal is for the TLM, also. **

**The Daily Roman Missal has all the Sunday and daily readings, and has the Mass in both English and Latin…but the Latin is a translation of the English, for use in a NO Mass. **

The St. Andrew Daily Missal is about $45.00, and is bound in leather…The Daily Roman Missal is about $70.00, and is bound in black leather. Both are worth every penny, and I plan to buy one of each sometime this year…Just can’t decide which to buy first …I am

I think these are the two best choices for the TLM, and the NO…Just my opinion…
CD4 said:
The Daily Roman Missal has all the Sunday and daily readings, and has the Mass in both English and Latin…but the Latin is a translation of the English, for use in a NO Mass.

If you’re writing about the Daily Roman Missal published by Scepter, then it is absolutely not correct to say that the Latin provided in it is a translation of the English. The Latin given for the Ordinary of the Mass is from the Missale Romanum, editio typica, that is the official Latin text for the Mass promulgated by the Congregration for Divine Worship in Rome.

The English text provided is the one produced by ICEL back in the 60’s that was a mixture of translation from the official Latin text (which was a work in progress) and from whatever documents, probably written in Italian and some other European languages, became the base for the official Latin text. The fact that it developed alongside the official Latin text is one of the reasons it is so dissatisfactory. This same English text for the Ordinary of the Mass is found in both Scepter’s Daily Roman Missal, in various missalettes one finds in in parish pews throughout the world, and of course in the official “altar missals” that the priests use to celebrate Mass.

There is a committee appointed by Rome, called Vox Clara, that is right now working hard on a new English translation that strictly conforms to the current Missale Romanum, editio typica. Let’s pray that it very soon becomes the worldwide norm for celebration of the Mass in English throughout the world.

You are correct that Scepter’s DRM does have all of the Sunday and weekday readings, that is it contains all of the readings for the Proper of Seasons. It also contains the readings for the Proper of Saints. In a word, it has everything you need for full participation in and study of the Holy Mass according to the current Roman Rite.

In the Hearts of Jesus and Mary.
Let me add the following to clarify my resaon fro wanting a Latin Missal. I am interested in learning more about the TLM and would like to attend one. I would like a missal that I could use to follow along while at the mass. Since I am a book collector of sorts, I would rather just have one for my collection. I would also be interested in a missal that contains both English and Latin for translation purposes. I would also be interested in a missal that would be good for the regular English mass I attend now. I have seen the soon to be released 1962 Roman Missal, the Fr. Lassance Missal, the St. Andrew Missal and the St. Joseph Missal

  1. *]Is there a Missal that would do all of the above?
    *]If not, what two missals would acclomplish my goals?

    Thanks ahead of time for all your help!

  1. Rich:
    There is not one Missal that will do all of the above because the Roman Liturgy normative for celebration today is a revised text that will not coincide with the previous revision of 1962. You will need two missals for your purposes; one for the Roman Liturgy as celebrated according to the 1962 revision of H.H. John XXIII and another for the normative liturgy as celebrated according to the revision of H.H. Paul VI and H.H. John Paul II.
    Since you are asking advice I assume that you are not familiar with the ‘TLM’. Due to this fact I do not recommend either the St. Andrews, St. Joseph, or Fr. Lassance’s Missals. The reason is that you will become confused in that the Ordinary of the Mass as contained in all of these is inaccurate due to the subsequent revision in 1962. I am also reticent to recommend the 1962 Daily Roman Missal due to be published by Angelus Press because I have not seen it to know whether it contains any information that is conciliatory towards the SSPX. I hope not but we’ll have to wait and see. Until that time I suggest the use of the the Missal prepared by Coalition in Support of Ecclesia Dei at . If you do not wish to go this route then I would suggest purchasing Fr. Lassance’s Missal for use and keeping in mind that it has inaccuracies.
    On the other hand, I do heartily recommend the Daily Roman Missal for the normative celebration of Mass (i.e. the revised rite of H.H. Paul VI and H.H. John Paul II). It, too, has the Latin of the Ordinary with the English and has been a helpful little book for myself in actively participating in the Mass said in vernacular and for use in a Parish nearby where the Mass is said using the Latin language.

CD4 said:
**The 1952 Daily Roman Missal goes with the TLM, and the Daily Roman Missal that was just revised and is now on sale, is for the NO Mass. The St. Andrew’s Daily Missal is for the TLM, also. **I think these are the two best choices for the TLM, and the NO…Just my opinion…

I’m assuming you meant 1962 vice 1952, as a Missal prepared in 1952 would not follow precisely the TLM as celebrated under indult. In addition all Missals published prior to the 1955 revision would not follow the correct celebrations for Holy Week.

Thanks Keith! I just purchased a Daily Roman Missal today. It should arrive next week. It is the newest edition. I didn’t realize that masses were said in Latin, meaning not the TLM. Thanks for your advice. Here is the link for the new 1962 missal to be released on December.

I’m not in a rush to buy anything expensive right now anyway. I am asuming the correct missal to buy from the link you gave me is the booklet missal/ latin -english for $6.50?
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