Please remember the voters of Ireland......Referendum on abortion this Friday

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O Mother of Salvation, pray for your children in Ireland to prevent the wicked act of abortion from being inflicted upon them. Protect their holy nation from sinking deeper into despair from the darkness which covers their country. Rid them of the evil one who wants to destroy your children, yet to be born.
Pray that those leaders will have the courage to listen to those who love your Son, so that they will follow the Teachings of Our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.
Dear Rob2,

Thanks for posting this. Yes, I have prayed and will continue to pray that the Irish will not fail in their referendum to vote for LIFE! Contraception and Abortion has done great harm to so many innocent unborn babies and to their parents, everywhere in the world.

Today, on this Great Feast of Pentecost, may God send the power of the Holy Spirit to enlighten the minds and hearts of Irish voters. St. Patrick planted the good seed of God’s Word in the hearts of my Irish ancestors, and I am grateful for the Catholic Faith I inherited through them. How sad to me that an enemy has sown weeds there in Ireland and all over the world!

Come Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of Your Faithful, kindle in us the Fire of Your Love.
Jesus, I trust in You!
Our Lady of Knock, pray for your children in Ireland.
St. Joseph protector of Mary and the Child Jesus, pray for us.
St. Patrick, pray for us.
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My God, You who create life and entrust that soul to the womb, we pray that, that life will grow and be born with loving parents awaiting his/her arrival. To many souls have been ripped from the place that should have been safe for them. To many lives destroyed, and we ask WHY???
May the Holy Spirit come into the hearts of the ones who “vote” on whether they live. and guide the ones who carry God’s children.
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Mary , Seat of Wisdom , pray that the people of Ireland be filled with wisdom from the Holy Spirit .

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Family are praying.
Remember oh most gracious Virgin Mary ,that never was it known
that anyone who fled to thy protection,implored thy help or sought thine intercession was left unaided.
Inspired by this confidence we fly unto thee oh virgin of mother.
To thee do we come, before do we stand sin and sorrowful,
Oh mother of the Word Incarnate
dispise not our petition ,for the protection of the most vulnerable in Ireland,
but in thy clemency hear and answer us amen. :pray:t4:
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I’ve been praying and have asked my friends to pray. I hope with all my heart Ireland doesn’t become like here. One in five babies are murdered in Britain. The culture of death’s really taken hold on this poor island. 😦

:ireland: ❤️👶
Arise O Lord, and let your enemies be scattered, and let those that hate you flee before your face.
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