Please remember the voters of Ireland......Referendum on abortion this Friday

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Poland aren’t as naive and spoonfed as those foolish idoits that voted YES are. I apologise to the world we are not all naive and easily swayed by lies. 700,000 or of us have morals and fought the best we could.
I think it had a lot to do with the propaganda, a lot of famous Irish celebs advocating for yes, it seemed like many irish living outside the country went back in just to vote yes. isnt ireland one of the largest catholic countries?
american catholics are not any better. the bluest of the blue states are 40 to 50% catholic demographically

i dwell amongst these folks; their fondest wish is that obama ( stridently pro-abortion) could’ve been elected president for life

is the last bulwark against the abortion culture american evangelicism?

God help us…
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Exactly. I heard Archbishop Martin interviewed, today, on the radio. The usual bating, "Does this vote not indicate to the church that it is no longer listened to - or words to that effect - in Ireland’. However his responses were very refreshing and positive.
His response to that was:

'It is no surprise to the church, we recognise fully the situation in IRE and that most follow ‘western liberal’ values. ’ ( I believe he mentioned a figure of ~ 30% were devout Catholics.)Then he was asked ‘What about the nominal Catholics, they obviously voted for abortion/ssm etc…’
Bishop Martin answered, ‘Yes, and they are the ones that ‘self-identify; as Catholics, however most will state they are Catholic but don’t believe in the church’s position on - e.g., contraception, aspects of abortion, SSM etc…’ Then - the interviewer asked but are Catholics not required to go to mass, every week, to be Catholic’. Answer: 'Yes, but as before, many people themselves self-identify as Catholics and will most likely go to mass 2x year and these people may return, etc…

He also mentioned the hostile ex-catholics, but they too can come back, or not.

Then the big ‘whammy’ question: ‘So what about Pope Francis, coming over in August, what will his impressions be to this voting outcome’, (shock, horror) hoping for another dig at the CC.
'Pope Francis will be one of the least shocked, he’s well aware of the Irish position and Western liberalisation throughout the world,.etc…, in addition, PJP11, in 1979, said that IRE were at a crossroads even then.

So, in other words, a CC bashing FAIL.

I believe the MSM has used IRE as the staunch Catholic country example, so as to make any voting more in favour with the liberal agenda, i.e. if good, holy, Catholic Ireland will vote this - then it’s A OK.

However, there are still a lot of practicising Catholics in Ireland, more so than many, many other countries, ATM. But a reality check is, in order, i.e. there are not as many ‘devout’ Catholics that the MSM would like to portray. This could also be seen as the MSM using this fact, so that they can then lambast the CC when liberal issue votes goes completely askew, in this instance, for example, it was because women should have a 'choice, i.e. anti-establishment, and also IRE is not ‘backward’ anymore.

Just found the MSM ‘report’, of the interview, not my interpretation of his words. All mixed around, and not factually correct, in several places. But what else is new!

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I would completely disagree that by the time someone is 30, it is permanent, in relation to religion. That’s usually the time when life’s knocks start calling;- problems with children, health issues - self and family, money issues, marriage/job issues, all of which bring quite a few back to God.
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Good news is:
The politicians of the Fianna Fail party are predominantly prolife and have said they will vote down any legislation to pass an abortion bill in government, which they have the power to do, as they share the power of the government with the other party Fine Gael, 50/50 power share,

So Fianna Fail have , and can, block legislation in government from being passed if they vote against it
For now… 😦
There’s something a good friend said to me just now, and I think it’s important. This may be a true test of our ability to forgive. It’s easy to forgive people for a lot of things, but now we have to try to still love people who, at least some, knowingly condemned thousands to death. We have to love like Jesus loved, and that’s really hard today. I pray God gives me the strength.
Oh absolutely!
Great perspective Joy. Have to say thanks for voicing your witness. One of the most powerful viewpoints is that from those who regret their abortion and have the courage to speak up. As a male sometimes I don’t feel as if I can relate to women’s views as well. Thank you for this.
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