Please remember the voters of Ireland......Referendum on abortion this Friday

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Some eastern Euopean nations such as Poland though like Ireland used to allow it under life threatening circumstances which means it is still legal to a certain extent. What people need to realise id that while abortion was illegal in Ireland under certain circumstances women could still have it which is still immoral
change one letter “ireland” “iceland”

the law with regard to abortion is now exactly the same

welcome to the new world order; “keltc tiger”
Brian we are not all like that I and many I know voted NO, many of the Irish younger generation got this over the line (18-24 bracket) because they were basically naive and fooled by a pro abortion liberal media and government. They thought it was the popular cool vote and would bring Ireland “out of the dark ages” so sad and easily led.

Those that voted YES will regret this but it’s their own fault trusting a government who in no way was truthful about what they are really planning. They are already planning abortion centres as we speak 😭😭😭😭😭😭
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Poland aren’t as naive and spoonfed as those foolish idoits that voted YES are. I apologise to the world we are not all naive and easily swayed by lies. 700,000 or of us have morals and fought the best we could.
Precisely, they believed the constant propaganda about backward Ireland. The words from the Irish PM, sum it up. They could be described as satanic, “stepped out of the shadows into the light”- like REALLY?! His words can only be seen as bashing Catholicism/Christianity.

In the words of Leo Varadkar, the vast majority of people decided to have “a modern constitution for a modern people”.

“The day Ireland stepped out from under the last of our shadows and into the light.

“The day we came of age as a country. The day we took our place among the nations of the world,” he said.
There’s a kind of childish desperation to be seen as ‘grown up’ in those quotes. The whole ‘other people think we’re weird because we’re not like all the other countries’ tone. What a shocking reason to vote to exterminate the unwanted.
Ireland was once a great Catholic country but as a young Catholic myself I can honestly say there is hope for the future. We may be a minority but the younger generations that are faithful Catholics are strong in our faith.
A Question for those living in Ireland:

Did your church mention anything about the outcome during the homily?
Did you hear a message about this or the gay marriage vote in a sermon?

Never heard a word about either at all, although a letter from the Bishop about the abortion issue was distributed a month or so ago.
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Again, not to denigrate Ireland, but listening to some here you’d think it was the only Catholic nation in the Western Hemisphere and we’re all doomed now because of this vote. Yes the Irish helped convert Britain to Christianity, and yes their monasteries preserved knowledge during some dark times, but in terms of spreading the gospel I would argue that Spain, Portugal, France, and maybe others were much more important.

And nowadays as others have demonstrated Ireland is just a tiny liberal country whose young people overwhelmingly reject the Church’s teachings.
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Positive thinking is lacking lately with us but I’ve never been surprised about the result. It’s embarassing how we reacted badly with uncharitable language & push them away further than ever… social media is a toxic enterprise. The 65+ voted No? Not a social media generation! Remember by the time 18 years old turns into 30… it’s almost permanent!

87% wow what a powerful wake up call to the Catholic world.
Pro-Lifers and Pro-Choicers constantly talk past eachother.

Pro-Choice people are pro-choice, overwhelmingly, because they don’t belief a human person is created at the same point in time (i.e. conception) that Pro-Lifers do. There are a variety of reasons they believe this. They truly believe there is nothing wrong with abortion, especially in the early stages of pregnancy (or prior to implantation).

Pro-Life people make the assumption the Pro-Choice people are all just a bunch of murderous sinners who don’t care they are sinning. They judge them based on that, rather than what they are really about.

I don’t know what the answer is, but it isn’t going to be found while this dynamic is reality.
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I live in Ireland. Only the grandparents generation are devout catholics really. Church attendance is 10 to 30%. Our priests are age 50 plus. When these priests retire there are no priests to replace them. Current priests are ending up running 3 parishes on their own.

Everyone is baptised a catholic and our public schools are catholic but Religion is being taught by lapsed catholics / not really being taught at all. Religion in high schools is a ‘free fun class’ generally, where vague morality/ ethics is vaguely spoken upon by being debated, but the Commandments / precepts of the church are not taught at all nearly.

Since my time in elementary school, high school and college, and work, I have only known aetheists/ lapsed catholics. The youth, and those aged 13 to 45 do not believe in God generally.

We ‘were’ a practicing catholic nation, now it is a ‘baptised catholics who become lapsed catholic/aetheist nation’
It was a heavyweight nation for Catholic influence in the world, that is no longer the case. It is just as bad as Spain or France losing it’s faith. No more so or less so
I guess that’s what I’m disputing: it’s heavyweight status. What exactly makes it a Catholic heavyweight? Again, we are talking about a tiny little country here.
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