Please remember the voters of Ireland......Referendum on abortion this Friday

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I gather because it’s a “left-wing” idea (even though some of the right-wing are for it too).
Thanks Ireland. I hope you’re really proud to hold that title.
Oh, absolutely. Ireland is really proud of their vote to legalize gay marriage, and this will make them even happier. Yes, we’re so progressive here–world leaders in doing the right thing for society in general. 🤢
at least in the government, the Fianna Fail political party own half the voting rights to pass legislation, and can block an abortion bill.

This referendum has taken away the right to life of the unborn.

But the Fianna Fail party are predominantly prolife and have said they will block abortion legislation from becoming law by their government votes
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Actually, a lot of MPs have reportedly said that they’ll vote for legislation as to not “Block the Democratic will of the people.”
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I am from Ireland,

Over the course of my life I have only had one teacher who was 100% devout catholic. The rest of my teachers were lapsed catholics on many issues, or all issues. And have only known one person my age who was devout catholic. Everyone I went to college with were aetheists/ lapsed catholics. Only 2% of the people at most workplaces are practicing catholics.

We are all ‘baptised catholics’ here in Ireland, and our schools are public state funded catholic schools, the sacraments are taught, but that is about it in general, …

The most devout catholics are the grandparents generation who lived during the Second World War,

Church attendance is at 30%,

Superstition is creeping into the country: most major towns have new age/ occult healers: fortune teller/ angel card reader/ mediums/ reiki ‘healer’/ reflexology ‘healer’ etc

As the bible says: ‘Where faith decreases, superstition rises.’

The catholic faith is not taught correctly in schools anymore, as the teachers who teach it as usually catholics living as aetheists,

‘My people perish through lack of knowledge.’

Modern media is especially to blame, TV programmes today feature all kinds of sins as socially acceptable
Only the constitution was changed.

No law has been passed yet.

Keep up the prayers, a number of MPs did say they will block legislation with their votes
I find it rather odd that the “progressives” just voted to strip rights away from a whole group of people.
I have been discombobulated about this all night and throughout the day. It has been very hard indeed not to verbally tear strips off my Christian and atheist friends who are gloating about the Yes win. I have wanted to rain down words of righteous fury on them.

But I went to Mass this evening and was reminded that I can do no more than to speak truth and leave it to grow. As St Bernadette said, “I am not asked to make you believe, I am simply told to tell you.”

Yes, there is a part of me that wishes I lived in a time when the church had more influence on culture. But you know what? It started as a small group of people in a whole pagan culture that was transformed by a faithful witness over millennia. If the cycle has to begin all over again, with only a remnant understanding the preciousness of the image of God in all humans, then so be it. I will not be moved.
You have been sheltered from it in Ireland.

Perhaps you are beginning to understand why abortion is a litmus test for Catholics in America.

On the bright side, you have our prayers and support in overturning this mistake.

I hope this will wake up the silent majority in Ireland as it has in the US.
MPs that block the legislation, that will surely be pressed forward by their ‘gay married’ Prime Minister, can only do that to slow things up, not stop. I sense from all the street celebrating that the perverse mood of the vote would not allow it to be halted for long - neither will ‘Satan’. The Eire Prime Minister and others have declared that Northern Ireland is now in their cross-hairs for abortion legislation. I no longer vote for any of the political Parties here in England - because of their official/legal stance over abortion - and haven’t done so for some time - it is so depressing that I have become morally disenfranchised.
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Hearing stuff like this makes me glad that I live in the U.S. where it is still socially exceptable to be religious. It is probably because no one church has ever been so entangled with secular authority that people would grow to disdain religion to such an extent.
Maybe you can be the change that you want to see.

Evil grows and festers when good people go silent.

During our last Presidential election, I thought the war to protect the sanctity of life was on life support and the prognosis was bleak. A year later, PP is closing abortion mills and is on the run. The evils of socialized medicine on life are being shown every day in places like England. Americans are taking notice.

There are many like minded people like you in England. Take back your government.
Yes, thank you. I live in Ireland, although I’m not from Ireland and didn’t grow up in its school system. I still thank the Lord that there are so many Catholic schools here, although that, too, sadly, seems to be slowly changing. And I don’t really know what exactly is taught in the schools regarding the faith, although the church I attend is connected to a school and every 1st Friday at least one class attends weekday morning mass. But I’d be curious to know exactly what is being taught regarding the faith, although I assume maybe each school would be different.
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Most ‘Catholics’ in England and Wales are regrettably rather like most of their ‘Protestant’ brethren, tepid or non-participatory in church/religious affairs, or indeed secular and of a modernistic ‘liberal’ mind.

Not voting for political Parties that promote pro-abortion laws does not prevent we ‘pro-lifers’ from voicing and explaining our stance at every opportunity.
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40% of the country never voted.

Maybe this 40% will rise up with a No vote…
Remember, you are not alone in this battle.

The evil one wants us to think that other Catholics are weak, milquetoast or do not care about changes that are happening that remove God from society. We can’t allow him to win without a fight.

Sometimes we have to hold our nose and vote for the least evil alternative.

But never forget every movement starts with a single person reaching out to another person.
One can hope and pray - but remember that the Divine Mercy finds tepid Catholics most troubling, and many of the non-voters will have been quiet/tepid.
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