Please remember the voters of Ireland......Referendum on abortion this Friday

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I knew it was gonna be repealed.

The world is in the process of filling up the cup of God’s Wrath. These things must come to pass.
The NO side had an excellent campaign, posters everywhere and won the first televised debate, last week, with excellent speakers.

Unfortunately, the reasons are the usual nonsense that IRE is behind the times, why aren’t we like everyone else, we’re so backward, women are treated dreadfully in IRE, they should have a ‘choice’, all flying off to the UK to get abortions, ad nauseam.

At the sermon, at mass this morning it was simply stated that the Church, in the past, has always been strongest when it’s on its knees.

Extremely disappointing, but it’s the ‘me, me, me’ generation, everything’s PC and everybody can ‘choose’.
I wonder how much of ‘Catholic Ireland’ was based on a combination of social coercion and anti-English sentiment.

And once that evaporated, as seen in the younger voters choice, maybe we see that the Church’s strength didn’t come from the people’s heart, but from external pressures
Hasn’t Our Lady of All Nations said in her apparition, that she and her Son Jesus, are nearly no longer with-hold the Just Wrath of God from pouring out on the world?

Our lady of Akita in Japan, a Vatican approved apparition, said; ‘If mankind do not stop abortions, a third of mankind will be wiped out when fire rains down from the sky.’

That is a reference to The three Days of Darkness, which many saints and Padre Pio have referred to
Capta(name removed by moderator)rudeman - Amen to that! - My ‘Irish’ mother and my Irish ancestors will be spinning in their graves, along with Saint Patrick. First a ‘gay married’ Taoiseach/Prime Minister, and now the cull of humanity in the womb - we particularly in the ‘West’, live in very spiritually dark times. The ‘3 Days of Darkness’ expressed by St Padre Pio, is far closer than most of us fully realise.
There’s something a good friend said to me just now, and I think it’s important. This may be a true test of our ability to forgive. It’s easy to forgive people for a lot of things, but now we have to try to still love people who, at least some, knowingly condemned thousands to death. We have to love like Jesus loved, and that’s really hard today. I pray God gives me the strength.
I must admit that I no longer want to hear our many Irish CAF friends criticizing President Trump. They have enough to clean on their side of the street. If they like, they can watch him shutter PP.
The decision of the Irish was like the one which faced the Israelites . “See, I have set before you this day life and good, and death and evil.” (Deuteronomy 30:15 ) .
Absolutely. And also like Israel, Ireland has thrown off the rulership of God and have chosen to be ruled by
a ‘king’ instead.

They shared comments on the radio about the voting outcome, and one woman said they had thrown off the Catholic Church.
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They shared comments on the radio about the voting outcome, and one woman said they had thrown off the Catholic Church.
Forget all the noble Irish men and women who died for their faith throughout the centuries. :roll_eyes:

And those innocent Irish who will die in the future.
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Yes, hate the sin, but love the sinner - ‘forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us’. Leave God to judge - it is for Him to weigh Divine Mercy and Divine Wrath.
Just a reminder that Ireland is a country with a population the same size as Indiana. Yes, this was a bad day for the pro-life cause. No, it’s not the end of the world as we know it. There are some good things are happening here in the U.S. on pro-life issues at the moment that we should not forget about.
Diabolical, is about the only word for it. Unfortunately, it is seen as a victory of ‘choice for women’. Pity someone couldn’t screen an abortion operation for them to watch, whilst they’re celebrating, to get some sense of what they have actually done, settle into their minds.
Since my teenage years in the early 1960s there has been a continual turning away in ‘Western’ societies and culture, from ‘Duty and Responsibility’ and a collective sense of Morality and Ethics - to that of ‘My Rights’, and ‘My feelings’ and ‘My perception of what is OK, based upon what feels most in tune with My lifestyle and wants’.
I’m afraid that Ireland has been used as a guinea pig on finding a way to topple strong Catholic countries. I’m afraid for Eastern Europe now.
Can I just ask what is the point of people worrying about countries that they personally can do nothing about? If you live there and can vote or be an activist, that’s one thing, but if one is worried about a country or anything else beyond one’s control, Padre Pio said Pray, Hope and Don’t Worry.
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