Please teach me what means to sin by omission?

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Yeah i whould really aprishiate that if you teach me that so i can understand things better because i want to learn about my catholic faith and know things i dont know yet

currently i know we can sin Three conditions for mortal sin

There are three conditions that make an act a mortal sin:
  1. An act of grave matter that is…
  2. Committed with full knowledge and…
  3. Deliberate consent .
(from beginningcatholic)

That s why i whould like to know what can actually be sin of omission afther not going to vote for example

what else could it be?

For example whould it be sin of omission if you are with someone you know and see what they do and then not telling them enything and they go with you and recive communion before conffesion whould you then sin by omission this is example (story is made up)

or if you see someone cussing and not doing enything or when we see them gossiping and other cases should we stop them? i know we should be gentle indeed and be carefull how we act here that s why i whould like to learn today more about my faith

(What if person dont listen to you? should you then bring them in church to talk with priest about it how whould you give an example here in such situation)

thank you for listening and hope you will explain me in detail how that works so i can understand
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Being Catholic doesn’t mean that we police others; instead we police ourselves so that others will want to be like us, hopefully, at least, in this chaotic world. No one likes to be scolded, even when he knows he’s totally wrong.

If you and your friends pass a disabled boy and all of you laugh and imitate the way he walked, you all know that you were unkind and in the wrong, even though the disabled boy is unaware of your mockery. Your friends will be likely to question their behavior if you say, “Why did we do that? I shouldn’t have laughed at the disabled boy. That was wrong. Now I’m ashamed. I definitely must go to confession before I can receive Holy Communion again.”

However, if you’re going to irritate them by scolding them, they may likely be defiant.

We sin by omission when we don’t do as we know, deep within our “heart of hearts” that we really should do. Here is a good guideline: when your conscience tells you, “I really should (…fill in the blank…), “ and then you don’t do whatever it is that your conscience warned you about, then you probably have committed a sin of omission.
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Oh no my freind my intention whould not be scolding but charitable approach by first asking nice and explain our stand point with using actions instead judgmental talk

What whould you do if you was sitting with someone whu didnt conffes and go with you to communion? what whould be your approach

or if you saw someone cussing or gossiping? i am aware that this is suposted to be done in private

also in today society its aceptabe as alot articles explains to not say enything aceept enything whu cares what someone else does its ok to do something if you or someone else doesnt do the harm moral relativism of 21 th centuary which is sad

alot of false teaching i see around being preached what is not according to our catholic church doctorine i noticed that because i repented from my previus ways now i see things from diffrend wiev since i am praying that s why i asked this question to help me
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What whould you do if you was sitting with someone whu didnt conffes and go with you to communion? what whould be your approach

or if you saw someone cussing or gossiping? i am aware that this is suposted to be done in private
It would be none of your business.
Allright i respect that can you please tell me why?
We mind our own business and stay out of other people’s. Do you really think you should be interfering with/judging other people??

This is the definition of omission:

Modern Catholic Dictionary:

OMISSION. Willful neglect or positive refusal to perform some good action that one’s conscience urges one to do. Such omission is morally culpable, and its gravity depends on the importance of what should have been done, on the person’s willfulness, and the circumstances of the situation.
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My freind have you tough of diffrence between judging actions from judging ?

because we are allowed to judge actions but never judge person its self

my dear freind lets teach each other with humility
I didn't tell my mom not to receive communion...was it a sin? Liturgy and Sacraments
I’m visiting my family for the holidays, and a few days ago, my mom came to mass with me. She grew up Catholic, but has been going to an evangelical church for about 15 years. I wasn’t sure if I should tell her not to receive communion, so I didn’t, and she received it at the church. Was this a sin for me not to tell her?
Here s an example why i asked that question this is why i whould like to learn things because today society preach false gospel to not say enything and that everyone should be quiet
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Here s what it says our catholic article

We fail when we neglect what we must do as convicted believers, and when we neglect the obligations of our past. It is our duty to believe in God, to love him with all our heart, to humbly worship him and serve him, his brothers and sisters love and serve them … and help others to do the same … If we fail to do so, we make mistakes. Do not attend St. Do not give up on a lazy thing, deny the admirer a greeting, do not forgive the offense, do not warn the children if they are doing something bad, do not help the elderly, do not give up their elderly place on the bus, train, donate alms to the poor …
We fail when we neglect what we must do as convicted believers, and when we neglect the obligations of our past. It is our duty to believe in God, to love him with all our heart, to humbly worship him and serve him, his brothers and sisters love and serve them … and help others to do the same … If we fail to do so, we make mistakes. Do not attend St. Do not give up on a lazy thing, deny the admirer a greeting, do not forgive the offense, do not warn the children if they are doing something bad, do not help the elderly, do not give up their elderly place on the bus, train, donate alms to the poor …
None of that says to interfere in other people’s business.
God bless you thistle i wish you that you have fun today is sunday i wish you best trough the day to

also i have some questions my dear freind thistle

If someone attack me or if it say mean words againts me cuss swear hit me do something mean words use whould you help me?

or rather ignore what happened
A sin of omission takes deliberate inaction on your part in a situation that will result in harm to someone. It’s a choice that you deliberately choose, even though you’re aware that additional harm may occur if you fail to act. If you simply forget, your forgetting is not sinful. If, however, you now fail to act after you remember what you had forgotten, then you are choosing to ignore your responsibility and are now guilty of a sin of omission.

Personally, I think confession is exquisitely beautiful, but it can also be what seems to be earth-shattering at times. It is difficult to admit our wrongdoing to our parent, grandparent, teacher, or other person whom we hold in high esteem, so it’s all the more embarrassing and humiliating to confess our wrongdoing to Christ through our priest! Even though we know that Christ is always in our midst, the here-and-now moments of actually confessing our sins to our priest can be intimidating and nerve-wracking.

If you are so rattled during confession that you forget a mortal sin, you have not committed an additional sin. If, however, you then remember the sin a few days later, and then continue to go to Mass and receive Holy Communion, without first receiving absolution during confession, then you are guilty of committing the sin of omission. Why? Because you are setting your eternal soul in harm’s way (hell) by deliberately choosing to receive the Holy Eucharist while knowing that your soul is stained by your mortal sin (which you’ve not confessed and for which you’ve not received absolution).
What whould you do if you was sitting with someone whu didnt conffes and go with you to communion? what whould be your approach
I would keep my “eyes on my own paper”. If they ask “why did you sit out Communion” you are free to say “I was not in a state of grace” or to say (ONLY if you really want to) “I did blah blah and have not gone to Confession yet”.

Now, your original question, sins of omission examples, we know that we are to pray. When we know this and refuse to take 10 seconds to pray, that can be a sin of omission.

When we go to confession and intentionally omit a sin that we are well aware of (very different than honestly forgetting).
If someone attack me or if it say mean words againts me cuss swear hit me do something mean words use whould you help me?
Look at Jesus in His passion, they said all manner of evil against Him and He opened not His mouth.

Jesus promised that people would do this, we are to rejoice!

And read 1 Corinthians chapter 13.

Love bears ALL THINGS and endures ALL THINGS, it does not seek it’s own interests, does not sit and think about the things that people did or said.

Love is patient, love is kind. It is not jealous, [love] is not pompous, it is not inflated,
it is not rude, it does not seek its own interests, it is not quick-tempered, it does not brood over injury, it does not rejoice over wrongdoing but rejoices with the truth.
It bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.
Interesting thank you so much for explanation minks its good to know something new right?

well you see i just repented some year ago from my previus ways while i lived in so called modern sinfull lifestyle which is not good but now i see things diffrend way and want to learn things
Whould you help me if someone hit me or say mean things againts me on the forum? or the chat? virtually rude behavior or if you see me on the floor hited hardly beaten whould you help me?
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Once again (and in all things) our example is in Christ’s passion. Veronica and Simenon both helped Christ as He carried His cross.
God bless you may your day be blessed and i wish you also best for helath to

Love your neightboor as yourself
i whould like to know what can actually be sin of omission afther not going to vote for example

what else could it be?

For example whould it be sin of omission if you are with someone you know and see what they do and then not telling them enything and they go with you and recive communion before conffesion whould you then sin by omission this is example (story is made up)

or if you see someone cussing and not doing enything or when we see them gossiping and other cases should we stop them? i know we should be gentle indeed and be carefull how we act here that s why i whould like to learn today more about my faith

(What if person dont listen to you? should you then bring them in church to talk with priest about it how whould you give an example here in such situation)

thank you for listening and hope you will explain me in detail how that works so i can understand
Here is an example from the book of Ezekiel

4 examples are described. I will just add the following emphasis to Ezekiel as a Catholic 😎

Using Ez 3:17-21 , and these examples A=Catholic, B = someone doing wrong, Life=heaven, Death=hell,

here’s 4 potential scenarios using those passages from Ezekiel (again, emphasis mine)
  1. “If I say to the wicked, ‘You shall surely die,’ and you give him no warning, nor speak to warn the wicked from his wicked way, in order to save his life, that wicked man shall die in his iniquity; but his blood I will require at your hand.” . IOW A gives B no warning. A & B are both screwed. Both die
  2. “But if you warn the wicked, and he does not turn from his wickedness, or from his wicked way, he shall die in his iniquity; but you will have saved your life.” . IOW A gives B warning. B ignores the warning. A lives B is screwed.
  3. “if a righteous man turns from his righteousness and commits iniquity, and I lay a stumbling block before him, he shall die; because you have not warned him, he shall die for his sin, and his righteous deeds which he has done shall not be remembered; but his blood I will require at your hand.” . IOW A gives B no warning. A is screwed. B is being B and is screwed and ALSO, his good works are not remembered"
  4. Nevertheless if you warn the righteous man not to sin, and he does not sin, he shall surely live, because he took warning; and you will have saved your life.” . IOW A warns B and B listens and changes, A & B live

putting this as God sees it, As a result of the instruction and consequences, I would do all I can to be in scenarios 2 & 4 and avoid #s 1 & 3 like the plague. But that’s me.

I would also add, God doesn’t require from us to be successful in changing anyone. We just need to be observant, and when the opportunity presents itself, speak up
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Interesting could you please explain the verse what it actually means because i dont get it that well since i have problem with understanding because of my learning disablity

also i whould like to ask you about the part where you said that we are not required to change enyone etc

that s why i want to know does that mean we are not to correct every single person we see when use lord name in vain

or cuss around every comment on youtube or forum
or in real life hearing around cussing etc of course we re not obligated to correct every single stranger

and last what i want to learn is when is right to tell someone about such things i explained in opportunity?

does this mean when we are currently hearing someone talk againts our faith againts lord

second what i dont get to unerstand part where explains

“if a righteous man turns from his righteousness and commits iniquity, and I lay a stumbling block before him, he shall die; because you have not warned him, he shall die for his sin, and his righteous deeds which he has done shall not be remembered; but his blood I will require at your hand.” . IOW A gives B no warning. A is screwed. B is being B and is screwed and ALSO, his good works are not remembered"

Does this have enything to do with family members or freinds?

for example you see family or freind living in sin not going to church aceepting life style what s not according to church taking communion withoud conffesion and many other things

how whould you start conversation with person about why someone doesnt go to church some says it isnt our busniess some says we are obligated third whould say i dont care?

And i feel something feels so wrong in such thinking not shure why but i mean like bad feeling
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If you are so rattled during confession that you forget a mortal sin, you have not committed an additional sin.
It is right as you say that if one had the intention to confess all mortal sins in confession, but simply through nervousness or other legitimate reason, forgot to tell it - then there isn’t any additional sin committed as you didn’t deliberately withhold the mortal sin.
If, however, you then remember the sin a few days later, and then continue to go to Mass and receive Holy Communion, without first receiving absolution during confession, then you are guilty of committing the sin of omission.
That part I put in bold when quoting you, isn’t right. It is not a sin of omission because all the mortal sins you intended to confess including the forgotten one, were forgiven at that time of confession. When remembered, the obligation only (because it was forgiven with all the others in that confession) remains to confess it at the persons’ next confession e.g. in 2 or 3 weeks time. And they may go to Communion before then.

Q. 793 & 794

CA If I forgot to confess a mortal sin, was it forgiven?

CCC #1456 “When Christ’s faithful strive to confess all the sins that they can remember, they undoubtedly place all of them before the divine mercy for pardon.”
Interesting could you please explain the verse what it actually means because i dont get it that well since i have problem with understanding because of my learning disablity

also i whould like to ask you about the part where you said that we are not required to change enyone etc

that s why i want to know does that mean we are not to correct every single person we see when use lord name in vain
Re: God does not require us to be successful in changing another person.

Why is that?

Very simple

Was Jesus successful in changing everyone He taught? No


Jn 6 35 - 66 open the link

There is God in the flesh teaching them. What did those called “disciples” do? They (not the 12) said NO to Jesus face, this is too hard to even listen to. And what did they do? They left Him never to follow Him after that. In other words, Jesus didn’t convince them. He didn’t change them. And what did Jesus do? Go after them? No. Try to further convince them? No. Jesus let them go.

God won’t put on us a requirement even He doesn’t do. Does that make sense?

Jesus gave them the information they needed to know. He did His part. The key here is Jesus wouldn’t override their free will. Free will freely used, is what makes us culpable for what we do.
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