Please teach me what means to sin by omission?

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The part about giving information needed to know

is that what you explain to someone why its not good to not go to church to not cuss etc once

Should we tell like this

I say to you we are not to cuss not to swear because it doesnt produce good works and cause our togue dirty?

good idea or we should talk difrfend way
The part about giving information needed to know

is that what you explain to someone why its not good to not go to church to not cuss etc once

Should we tell like this

I say to you we are not to cuss not to swear because it doesnt produce good works and cause our togue dirty?

good idea or we should talk difrfend way
Yes, you correct someone doing wrong, but you aren’t required to change them. That is on them to change.
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Allright thanks for the advice

was that good idea how i showed presentation?
also i learned somewhere article that we are allowed to explain once an idea what could someone work but not get them to do that
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Allright thanks for the advice

was that good idea how i showed presentation?
also i learned somewhere article that we are allowed to explain once an idea what could someone work but not get them to do that
It’s good to speak up against wrong (s) we see being done. A person Being quiet in the face of wrong, can give the impression that person’s silence is accepting the wrong being done.
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@CRV Hmmm. I apologize for giving erroneous information. Thank you for pointing this out. I don’t do it that way and I’d forgotten about the changes. Increasingly, over my years of reading CAF threads, but no place else, I have read comments to that effect, but doing that seems like cheating. I was dismayed that even those guidelines had been watered down. I simply couldn’t do it; it seemed sinful. Instead, I’ve continued to refrain from receiving Holy Communion until I could confess the forgotten sin, as I was taught by both Benedictan and St Joseph nuns back in the 40s. (Yes, I’ve read here that they were sisters, not nuns. The fact is that in those many decades ago—more than 70 years now—we did address them as, “Sister,” but we referred to them as nuns. 😇 ) Thank you, CRV.
Sin of omission for example are those where our inaction causes sin.

So if I know somebody is being convicted of something and I know it is not true, it would be sinful for me to do nothing. I am indirectly causing sin by omission.
It does keep us on our toes with regard to any changes, including our understanding of various things, be it discipline e.g length of time we are required to fast before Holy Communion.
we did address them as, “Sister,” but we referred to them as nuns
I did too!

Thank you for being humble in accepting fraternal correction, practicing humility, and acknowledging a genuine mistake. And it’s not often I see apologies offered here. Whilst I haven’t been a member for very long, I too have read CAF over many years, on and off.

Nice to meet you Minks! 🤝 (Please Note: This uploaded content is no longer available.) (Please Note: This uploaded content is no longer available.)
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What does it mean if you know somebody is being convinted of something what s known is not true?

like could you please explain in detail
(I say to you we are not to cuss not to swear because it doesnt produce good works and cause our togue dirty)

this i made up to not be confused and wanted to ask if you think that we should talk in this way
In Catholic teaching, an omission is a failure to do something one can and ought to do. If an omission happens deliberately and freely, it is considered a sin.

The degree of guilt incurred by an omission is measured, like that attaching to sins of commission, by the dignity of the virtue and the magnitude of the precept to which the omission is opposed, as well as the amount of deliberation.

For example, if a person chooses to become inebriated and is therefore unable to perform a necessary task, that person is responsible for that failure, even though that person is physically unable to perform the task because he or she knowingly put themselves into a state (drunkenness) where accomplishing the task was impossible
(I say to you we are not to cuss not to swear because it doesnt produce good works and cause our togue dirty)

this i made up to not be confused and wanted to ask if you think that we should talk in this way
If you mean, rebuke one who cusses, then yes you should rebuke that
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For example, if a person chooses to become inebriated and is therefore unable to perform a necessary task, that person is responsible for that failure, even though that person is physically unable to perform the task because he or she knowingly put themselves into a state (drunkenness) where accomplishing the task was impossible
I understand also i found an article that sin of omission can be something someone tell you what to do and you dont do it

and it can be as well if you dont help someone you see is in danger etc correct?

or if someone steal something in store but you dont act can this to be issue

so basically sin of omission is not acting in situations or if you dont listen to dad and mom orders?

also now i understand it better thanks for explaining i just added trough additional to know things better way

also learned there is sin of commision to that has to do what i mentionated above? not listening to what someone says to do you listen and not act

my dear freind you see how all this confuse me but now i know but because of my learning disablity and stuff its hard to do this all ugh you know no experience enough its easy to make mistake to cause even worse sin when warning

and afther i readed an article it gived me good explanation just wanted to add that and i whould like to ask additional question because of that

Is there something more that just neglecting duty to help someone in need?

like if we see someone running around on street what is even againts law not just sin we should act right? if homosexual do that parade around we should warn or if feminist do these nasty things we should act?
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@CRV Lol! Yes, I try to fast from midnight, too! I do take meds, though.

Your comment got my brain to turning, as did John’s. I’m 99.99% sure that in order for a sin to be a sin of omission one must choose to not act in a situation that will bring about harm to someone, but I’ve been googling and can’t find that in print.

That potential harm could befall the sinner or someone else. It could be something like losing your job because you didn’t get up immediately when your alarm went off, then falling back to sleep and being late to work. Or, in the case of neglecting to help someone in danger, the harm could be death to someone. So, the consequences can be light-weight or heavy-duty, but harm will result.

Who knows what I’m talking about? Anyone?

I believe that forgetting even a mortal sin during confession is just an omission, but not a sin of omission. I also believe that when that little voice inside you says, “I really ought to mow the yard today,” but you don’t mow it, that your not mowing it is an imperfection (in your goal of perfection), but not a sin of omission which brings harm.

Lol! Could someone verify these old, tired brain meanderings or clarify my muddlings?
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@sebo3e I do hope that you’ve noted the conversation between CRV and me; I definitely didn’t mean to mislead you. It’s truly heartening to see someone as enthusiastic as you are about our Holy Catholic Church. May you always feel such integrity and zeal!

That said, I do worry that you worry too much about correcting what others do and say. Fraternal correction is ok if you’re in a fraternal situation, but, honestly, that doesn’t happen often among adults. Always consider where you are and with whom. It’s often better to MYOB (Mind Your Own Business). We don’t want you to wind up with a bloody nose, broken rib, or worse!

How old are you and are these people to whom you refer just kids temporarily out from under the eyes of their parents, or aggrrssive adults looking for trouble?
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in order for a sin to be a sin of omission one must choose to not act
Yes, that’s right. A sin of omission is where we fail to do something we know we should. Ignoring the Holy Spirits prompting for, as an example to pray for someone, or to not offer help to someone when we can do so.
Failing to check on relatives or call a friend when the inspiration comes to do so.

Yes, it can be a grave sin or venial sin. Another example would be if you willfully neglected to say your daily prayers for one day (venial) compared to neglecting to say your daily prayers for a long time. Another one would be if you deliberately neglected to care for your family or the duties applicable to your state in life. Or deliberately failing to fast on days on which we should as by the precepts of the Church . Failure to give to the poor when you could do so is another example.
“I really ought to mow the yard today,” but you don’t mow it, that your not mowing it is an imperfection (in your goal of perfection),
That would be a sin of omission - it is something you failed to do knowing you should do it assuming you didn’t bother to mow it at all until it was really unkempt and not just putting it off until the next day, that is.

An imperfection as I understand it is when you do do the deed, but it is not done as well, promptly or carefully as you could have done it. So using the yard mowing example, if you still did mow the lawn that day, but procrastinated simply because of laziness (and not including reasons of weather, health etc) - so it was put off needlessly. But after some time, still went and mowed the yard, or you did but also did it negligently (so didn’t do as good a job as you normally would, ) then that would be an imperfection. You have done the deed (mowed) therefore it wasn’t an omission, but it was done a little carelessly and not as promptly as it should have been done - therefore an imperfection. Not done as perfectly as one could.

This article explains Imperfection, Positive much better than my attempt to do so!

Sins of Omission by Archbishop, Cardinal Henry Edward Manning

Catholic Encyclopedia - Omission

Baltimore Catechism On Sin and Its Kind Q.276
" What is our sin called when we neglect things commanded?
A. When we neglect things commanded our sin is called a sin of omission. Such sins as wilfully neglecting to hear Mass on Sundays, or neglecting to go to Confession at least once a year, are sins of omission."
If I were to go to work and spend the day watching cat videos on YouTube instead of actually doing my job, then that would be a sin of omission - I would be omitting (neglecting) to do my work.

Unless my work IS to watch cat videos on YouTube, I suppose … one can only dream 😎
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