Uh, no. This sentence has nothing to do with reality.The organization became more involved in Republican politics, prodigiously funding conservative political causes, and took on a strong anti-LGBT outlook.
The KofC is not politically active, does not support any party, and is not involved in any “political” issues other than abortion (and we’ve now placed a full thousand high-end ultrasound machines in pro-life clinics).
In fact, in the real world, politics are explicitly prohibited.
We simply do not have any LGBT positions ( other than that we support the entire teaching of the church).
We have no association with the Republican Party, although their abortion positions are more compatible with ours than the other party.
We did lead the campaign that put “under God” into the Pledge of Allegiance.
About 1950, we did throw our weight around when it turned out that the hotel in DC where our convention was scheduled did not admit blacks. We did not accept the offer to allow them for that meeting, and insisted upon a permanent policy change.
We won.
And then, to drive the point home, chose a black priest for the celebrant of the main Mass . . .
That’s pretty much all of the politics in which we’ve ever engaged.
And after 9/11, we were the first on the scene with relief: on 9/13, our insurance agents were in the field delivering $10,000 checks to the families of each fallen first responder. We raised the money after the fact.
Which one? We have threeand the ladies auxiliary
The Catholic daughters are formally associated with us as such, there are also Ladies Auxiliaries for some councils, and we have (had?) the Columbiettes, which actually had degrees as well.
hawk, PFN, PGK, CGK, etc