Irreducible complexity is as far as im concerned proof of the arrogance and nerve of scientists. When faced with a question they cannot answer they simply say “it just is” and expect for everyone to just accept that, which sadly so many people do. I don’t think anyone will really argue that step by step evolution does occur, but frankly unless scientists can come up with a real explanation for irreducible complexity then the theory of evolution as a theory of how life first came into existence is for all intents and purposes, dead.
I think the root of the problem is not in the theory, but rather peoples misunderstanding of what science is. It simply does not matter if God is the correct answer. Science is the study of physical phenomenon. Thats it. If they never find a physical answer for irreducible complexity, it doesn’t matter. All that science can say is that they don’t no, because its not the province of science to “know” about supernatural events.
There is another fallacy involved. People think that science is the basis for epistemological authority. They assume that other branches of knowing such as metaphysics or philosophy in general has no authoritative application beyond what the scientific method judges of them. This is the idea that science has taken over all other forms of knowing.
This is false. This is not to say that science does not have the power to inform philosophy. However, people fail to realize that science has authority only within a particular domain of understanding objective beings/how they function. And in so far as this is the investigative end of science, the empirical method allows us to understand particular things about the particular functions of particular beings which we could not have known in detail through philosophy by itself. There are so many possibilities about the function of things, that philosophy could never give an accurate picture of what really going on in regards to particular events. Thus Science is efficient in dealing with beings in their particularity. While metaphysics deals with beings as a whole/ beginnings and ends. It deals with beings in general. It deals with ultimates. It deals with the principles and axioms which science basis its interpretation of empirical events on. Metaphysics/philosophy helps us to understand things like, “
out of nothing comes nothing”; but the empirical method cannot give us this information, since it doesn’t measure the meanings of things, the meaning of being, it doesn’t give us an understanding of potentiality or procession or principles such as “Occams-razor”. These logical truths, principles of knowledge, or axioms, are assumed by science. When it comes to dealing with the existence of beings in
general, Metaphysics has more authority then science.
Like many atheists and uninformed people in general, Intelligent design theorist have fallen for the same fallacious belief that science is an authority on all truth and that no truth is acceptable outside of
scientific verification. Thats why they keep pushing this dead donkey hoping that it will once again walk. The problem is that they are inadvertently helping to spread the fallacy that science has defeated all genuine teleological arguments through the theory of evolution; and this is partly influenced by the fact that some ID theorists are promoting their ideas as alternatives to the standard version of the empirical methods. They are pushing this to the extent that we should even investigate claims of fairies. This damaging for the synthesis between philosophy and religion. The Teleological arguments are not scientific theories, they are philosophical interpretations based on observation and the inference of logical necessity. Some these arguments are poor, because they are used to explain that which is explainable by science & philosophy together. The very best of all teleological arguments do not undermine evolution, but rather adds to the overall understanding of physical reality.
Irreducible complexity may have some philosophical authority, i don’t know how much; but it has no empirical authority, even if its true. You cannot empirically prove the existence of God using a method that applies only to physical objects.
Thats just my feeling on the matter. It seems to me that we do more damage to Christianity by failing to understand the difference between science and philosophy and the different forms of knowledge they deal with.