Politicizing Pediatrics: How transgender guidelines undermine trust in medical authority

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The way you phrased that – “they might be” … “Wouldn’t surprise me” – it sounds like you have no evidence. How then can you pass such a judgment and share it with others?

We can discuss gender ideology without making stuff up.
This post evidences little to no knowledge of Bay Area schools and the indoctrination into “transgender” ideology occurring therein.
Both. We’re being told to accept their delusions (which they are) unless the patient (for whatever reason) indicates a desire to have their delusion treated rather than supported. I can’t share your optimism that this is just “the most effective treatment” (if we can call it a treatment) when the naysayers are accused of hate speech for our criticisms rather than just “bad science”. That seems to indicate this is about a social agenda and not just treating the distressed, wouldn’t you agree?
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Thank God that in my area, schools aren’t holding assemblies where children as young as K are taught LGBxyz terminology, like schools in the SF Bay Area have done.
I’ll also be personally vetting any books I’m asked to read to kids that further the agenda. I might not be able to halt the onslaught of indoctrination but I won’t be a party to it either.
Affirming or encouraging such delusion in children is child abuse.
Actually, a course of watchful waiting, where the parents don’t over-react or give it too much family focus, can allow the kiddo to work out their inner conflicts.
At that age as with any other, gender confusion is abnormal behavior. The point is, they didn’t. And I won’t ever encourage them to.
A boy wanting to make unicorns is not a sign of “gender confusion.” There’s nothing inherently feminine about liking unicorns. It’s a cultural phenomenon.
Very true. I’m a girl and I loved trains, planes, dinosaurs, and the color red when I was younger(as well as girlier stuff)-doesn’t mean I was trans. Sometimes I think people just see a kid not acting the way a girl or a boy “should act” (aka not fitting into gender stereotypes) and just assume they’re trans.
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This post evidences little to no knowledge of Bay Area schools and the indoctrination into “transgender” ideology occurring therein.
Where is your evidence? Do you live in the Bay Area? Have you ever?

I once lived in the Bay Area. Even so, I freely admit I have no firsthand knowledge of their schools. That is why I refrain from judging them and saying things like this:
If it were a Bay Area school, they might be forced to switch groups. To “explore” the opposite gender. Wouldn’t surprise me.
and this:
Thank God that in my area, schools aren’t holding assemblies where children as young as K are taught LGBxyz terminology, like schools in the SF Bay Area have done.
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Affirming or encouraging such delusion in children is child abuse.
Agreed. The best comment on this issue that I have ever read is, “A transgender 5-year-old is like a vegan cat – someone else is calling the shots.”

What are the other successful treatments of gender dysphoria?
Do you think that affirmation of the delusion can truly be called “successful”?
The Transgender adults I know seem happy in their new gender identity. I often hear people tell me things like “so-and-so is much happier now as a man than what they were as a woman.” I think someone being happy and not depressed and being able to get on with their life is a successful outcome. I so far haven’t heard anyone give concrete examples of a better treatment for gender dysphoria that has been shown to be more successful.
Actually, a course of watchful waiting, where the parents don’t over-react or give it too much family focus, can allow the kiddo to work out their inner conflicts.
I personally think that watchful waiting is the proper response when it comes to young children. I’m not in favor of performing irreversible procedures on children and caution should always be exercised regardless of a person’s age. But if an adult wants to do so after careful consideration, I’m not opposed. On the other hand, if a child insists that they are a different gender than the one they were born with, I don’t think that there shouldn’t be a rush to try and force the child in a different direction.
The Transgender adults I know seem happy in their new gender identity. I often hear people tell me things like “so-and-so is much happier now as a man than what they were as a woman.” I think someone being happy and not depressed and being able to get on with their life is a successful outcome. I so far haven’t heard anyone give concrete examples of a better treatment for gender dysphoria that has been shown to be more successful.
This article comes from the Witherspoon Institute which Wikipedia describes as a “conservative think tank” and has ties to other conservative organizations like the Family Research Council. So, I’m not sure how objective the article is. Talking about how 41 percent of Transgender people have attempted suicide doesn’t tell us much. Perhaps 60 percent would have attempted suicide if a different treatment model had been used.
This article comes from the Witherspoon Institute which Wikipedia describes as a “conservative think tank” and has ties to other conservative organizations like the Family Research Council. So, I’m not sure how objective the article is. Talking about how 41 percent of Transgender people have attempted suicide doesn’t tell us much. Perhaps 60 percent would have attempted suicide if a different treatment model had been used.
So you’re insisting that transgender suicide rates are not above the norm for the population? Link, please. And no, your anecdotes are not data.
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There’s nothing inherently feminine about liking unicorns
Yeah right 🤣
The boys made objects reflecting their masculinity out of their Legos. We talked football too. 😁
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I’m not going to be baited into revealing my identity, location, employer, employment history, etc. etc.
Suffice it to say I know a lot more about what’s going on in California schools than you do. Obviously.
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This article comes from the Witherspoon Institute which Wikipedia describes as a “conservative think tank” and has ties to other conservative organizations like the Family Research Council. So, I’m not sure how objective the article is. Talking about how 41 percent of Transgender people have attempted suicide doesn’t tell us much. Perhaps 60 percent would have attempted suicide if a different treatment model had been used.
So you’re insisting that transgender suicide rates are not above the norm for the population? Link, please. And no, your anecdotes are not data.
Where did I say that Transgender suicide rates are not above the norm for the population? Suicide rates for people with mental health problems will probably always be elevated no matter what treatment is used. The question to ask is whether a certain treatment reduces those elevated rates more than another kind of treatment.

So, for instance, if someone suffers from depression (and I’m sure that people with depression as a group will always experience higher suicide rates than the population at large), what treatment reduces those rates the most? Is it better to use talk therapy or an antidepressant or is using both the best treatment with the best outcomes? And is there one antidepressant that is better than another?

Figuring out the best treatment for any medical condition will always involve some trial and error and every treatment will probably have both pros and cons. If someone takes an antidepressant, it might cause them to gain significant weight which could have negative health consequences long term. It might also reduce their libido and negativity affect their sex life with their spouse or significant other. But it might also be the best treatment for relieving their depression. If someone with ADHD takes a stimulant like Ritalin or Adderall, it will probably cause their heart rate to go up about 10 beats per minute and could cause heart problems in some people. A small percentage of people who start out using a stimulant can experience psychosis, especially if using an amphetamine like Adderall. But for the vast majority of patients with ADHD, using a stimulant is the most successful treatment inspite of the possible side effects and risks. Most treatments involve a balancing act in which the pros will hopefully outweigh the cons.
Didn’t say the objects themselves have gender. The objects the kids made reflected the God-given gender of the kids. And I’ve seen this over and over, on numerous occasions.
The explosion (i.e. plague) of gender confusion is primarily due to social contagion and / or the insanity + wickedness of adults with an agenda.
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