Politico: Iowa autopsy report: DNC meddling led to caucus debacle

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Iowa autopsy report: DNC meddling led to caucus debacle​


State party audit finds plenty of blame to go around.


12/12/2020 12:52 PM EST

Updated: 12/12/2020 02:17 PM EST

Democratic National Committee meddling, combined with missteps by the state Democratic Party, were the primary drivers of the chaos that torpedoed the Iowa caucuses earlier this year, according to a new audit commissioned by the state party.

The report, which was distributed to the Iowa Democratic Party State Central Committee at a meeting Saturday morning and obtained by POLITICO, identified a series of errors made by the DNC, IDP and the technology company contracted by the state party to build a reporting app to collect caucus results.

The February caucuses were overrun by foul-ups: The state party was unable to report a winner on caucus night, the mobile app to report results failed to work for many precinct chairs, the back-up telephone systems were jammed and some precincts had initial reporting errors. The state party chair, Troy Price, resigned in the wake of the debacle, which put Iowa’s status as the first in the nation nominating contest in serious jeopardy.

That’s just Iowa, one of the first primaries I guess after New Hampshire and that’s the State Democratic party’s own study.

Then, last time in 2016, all the talk between Hillary and Bernie. Who do you think you are fooling?
all that was well known back in Feb. really doesn’t matter much,as the DNC candidate destroyed the GOP candidate in the election.
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