Poll: What Would the Holy Family Do About School?

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Dear Catholics, I’m having issues with getting my child into Catholic school. I thought I would get an idea of what others have done or would do in this situation. But I have been thinking of the Holy Family and what they may do, and I’m really not sure. So I thought a survey may get ideas going.

Question: In today’s time, hypothetically, if the Holy Family could not afford to send The Lord to Catholic school do you think they would:
  • Public school.
  • Get a loan.
  • Homeschool.
  • Fund raise.
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Please share why you made the choice you made. This will help, thanks.
At our Catholic School, no Catholic child is denied enrollment because of finances, so, my choice would be to sit down and speak with the pastor of the parish.

What the Holy Family did was what every good Jewish family did in 1st century Palestine. Jesus would have begun his formal education as a young child in the boy’s Synagogue school.
The Holy Family only makes sense within the paradigm of Christ’s first coming, that is humble, seeing the world from underneath itself. The Second Time He will come in all His glory, leading His Armies, judging us. But the first time He came from underneath, like He Himself said that He chose the weak things in order to shame the wise ones.
So I voted public school.
I have 3 kids and public education totally destroyed their Christian beliefs. Yes I am also culpable for not paying attention of what was going on and what was being taught to my kids. Unfortunately it was too late to do anything about it.
I know I’ll spend an eternity in Purgatory because of this, that’s if I can have a shot at getting into Heaven at all. And that would be ok too I shall reap what I sowed is the proverb.
My 2 cents don’t waste any time, education happens at home first and foremost. You teach your kids manners, well behavior and the general knowledge needed in today’s world. And for higher education don’t despise trades. Those are in high demand and will always be needed.
Thanks. I was told that if a family wanted their child to go to Catholic school that they would be. The school I’m talking to won’t work with us with what I can afford. I’ve even reached out to the diocese. It’s very disconcerting.
Thank you Jerry, I will add your family to my prayers today.
AMEN! My siblings and I went to public schools growing up. We had CCD/ECF classes on Saturday mornings but nothing really at home. My late mother (eternal memory!) taught us our prayers at home, we never had meat on Friday, went to church on Sundays and Holy Days etc.

My siblings both married Roman Catholics and AFAIK still go to church on Sundays (obviously, not now). Re the rest I don’t know.

My nieces are in college (they’re home now due to the crisis). I made it through college with my faith intact because of good spiritual reading, going to confession & Mass, being part of the Catholic community center and having good Catholic friends. Do they go to confession & Mass at college? I don’t know. Nor could I ask them.
Many mystics say that Our Lady taught Our Lord at home.
There wouldn’t have been anything even close to universal open enrollment schools; any teaching would generally at home, save possibly, I suppose, what would be needed for men to participate religiously, which I presume would be at the synagogue or temple.

Hysterically, a History Channel mini series a year or two ago showed Mary and Joseph in the same teenage classroom . . . I’m not even sure where to start on what is wrong there . . .

And, of course, there is the tale of the Dominican, the Franciscan, and the Jesuit receiving a shared vision of the Nativity.

The Dominican fell to his knees in joy at the glorious vision.

The Franciscan prostrated himself in amazement at the Divine Humility of coming into the world this way.

The Jesuit put his arm around Joseph’s shoulder and asked, “Have you thought about where you’ll be sending him to school?”

I probably should have said this before. This question about the Holy Family is in light of today’s world (sans virus), not according to what really happened; what do you think they would do? Thank you in advance, and to those who already answered.
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Hysterically, a History Channel mini series a year or two ago showed Mary and Joseph in the same teenage classroom . . . I’m not even sure where to start on what is wrong there . . .
I NEVER trust the History Channel when it comes to anything religious and especially when it comes to the Catholic Faith or anything related (e.g. the life of Jesus).

Re your example: Men and women were educated separately (still the case with strict Orthodox Jewish communities iirc), so having Mary and Joseph in the same classroom is totally bogus.
I was homeschooled from start to finish, and I am beyond grateful to my parents for this. We were not rich people by any means, and I have heard that it can be expensive to homeschool, but this is a myth. My mother did have a degree as an English teacher, which did help her, but like most parents it only helped until about high school. There are many more people homeschooling these days, and there are almost ALWAYS homeschool groups you can reach out to in your area. A lot of groups have Co Ops now, where mothers(usually) get together once a week, and whoever excels at a certain subject will teach that subject.

I credit being homeschooled with how deeply I was raised in my faith. I was not fed politically correct garbage, but rather received a catholic education, and a catholic outlook on the different subjects. We were not socially awkward, and had a very busy, and active life, but not a life filled with the filth you see at public schools. Not everyone has there life ordered to be able to homeschool, but if you can I really recommend it. Children need their parents, especially their mothers, as much as possible. A child’s education does start at home.
Re your example: Men and women were educated separately (still the case with strict Orthodox Jewish communities iirc), so having Mary and Joseph in the same classroom is totally bogus.
They weren’t merely educated separately; outside the family home, they were pretty much segregated at all times.

And there wren’t schools. . . .

And it is most likely that Joseph was a widower, significantly older than Mary.

And any of what we call “Education” would be generally just what was necessary for religious practice.

And . . .

I thought I would get an idea of what others have done or would do in this situation.
I’m going to assert audaciously that what’s right for the Holy Family may not be right for your family. Children who could get an education then probably received it through one-on-one tutoring from the learned at the Synagogue.

I’ve just enrolled my own children in a charter school, not an option available in Nazareth in 6 A.D.

Just pray about the decision. If you consider homeschooling, feel free to shoot me a private message, as I’ve got gobs of experience there. In light of recent events, you probably have to homeschool like everyone else, lol!
St. Jerome said that St. Joseph was a virgin (c.f. Against Helvidius).
But that’s not even Church teaching, let alone doctrine or dogma.

A pius position to hold, yes.

And the tradition of Joseph as a widower dates to at least early second century, if not last first. The notion of similar ages is a “recent” western notion.

As it can’t see how it will affect my salvation in a either way, I don’t give it much thought.
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