Polygenism acceptable?

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The problem we have here is how do new species appear? Evolution talks of small changes, but these do not lead to new species. What are the chances that two individuals or an entire group could mutate with the same mutation to make a new specie?

Evolution has been arguing it for a long time, they will probably continue till a ‘consensus’ is reached. But concensus is not how science is done, it is how politics is done.
Yes, though this brings up many ethical problems. Homo sapiens have the ability to reason. Those with the ability to reason have the gift of an immaterial soul. Would those with souls be living with those without souls? Would those without souls not have the ability to reason? Would those with souls be essentially sexually raping those without souls? How long did it take for the population without souls to die off? Up until the flood?
Good questions. I read an article in Psychology today that describes sociopaths. They were people who could make no emotional connection, but were very successful in society anyway. They used there reason effectively by looking at life purely in adversarial terms. This did not preclude manipulation. They may not feel love, but they could still see the cause and effects of those around them and map out strategies based on that.

I am not drawing an equivalency between soulessness and sociopathy, but I think it’s not too much of a stretch to draw an analogy to how people not in the image of God could have a functioning, albeit scary, society.
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