Poorly Catechized Catholics Complain About Amy Coney Barrett’s Authentic Catholicism

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From the article:

"Joan Walsh, writing for The Nation magazine, explains that as a Catholic, she finds it offensive how Judge Amy Coney Barrett’s “extremist beliefs” have been equated with Catholicism. Walsh explains:

“Still, as a Catholic I find it offensive to see Barrett’s extremist beliefs equated with Catholicism or the views of American Catholics. We support a woman’s right to choose [abortion] in most circumstances. An overwhelming majority support contraception, and Catholics are slightly more likely to back marriage equality than other Americans.”

In other words, she is saying that most Catholics oppose Catholic teachings. If that is the case, then poor catechesis or someting worse abounds.
Well, there is no doubt about Catholic teaching. It’s quite clear. Amy Coney Barrett is not an extremist; she just a Catholic who accepts Catholic teachings. If there are Cathlics who reject Catholic teachings, that is regrettable, and sort of an oxymoron.
Sadly this isn’t surprising. So many Catholics are poorly formed in the faith.
One of my neighbors made a comment years ago re her daughter,who was attending a Catholic school.
She wanted to transfer to a public school.This because the Catholic school was really pushing Catholicism.Neighbor went on to say” I mean we are Catholic just not THAT Catholic”:woman_facepalming:t2:
Sadly this isn’t surprising. So many Catholics are poorly formed in the faith.
And many Catholics are utterly disgusted with behaviour and cover-ups of some clerics, all the way up to cardinals. As a result many Catholics have a hard time taking the Church hierarchy seriously when they preach sexual morality, a morality far too many of them seem to observe more in the breach than the observance.
What in the world does that have to do with Amy Coney Barrett?
What in the world does that have to do with Amy Coney Barrett?
I was arguing your point that the problem is poor formation in the faith. I know many who are well formed but reject some doctrine due to a perceived credibility problem.
Some people think you don’t have to be “that Catholic” to be Catholic. You can be like Nancy Pelosi or Ted Kennedy and still be Catholic. You know they are really good Catholics because they always talk about taking care of the poor (with other people’s money) and the plight of those who suddenly and unexpectedly find themselves pregnant and stuff like that, which is clearly a much more important aspect of being Catholic since everyone approves of it…
What in the world does that have to do with Amy Coney Barrett?
I was arguing your point that the problem is poor formation in the faith. I know many who are well formed but reject some doctrine due to a perceived credibility problem.
Leaving the Church because it’s full of hypocrites be like leaving the gym because it full of fat people.
If there are Cathlics who reject Catholic teachings, that is regrettable, and sort of an oxymoron.
One of my neighbors made a comment years ago re her daughter,who was attending a Catholic school.
She wanted to transfer to a public school.This because the Catholic school was really pushing Catholicism.Neighbor went on to say” I mean we are Catholic just not THAT Catholic”:woman_facepalming:t2:
You can be like Nancy Pelosi or Ted Kennedy and still be Catholic.
Or like Joe Biden.
It’s because they are not orthodox Catholics. They are liberal “Catholics” or modernist “Catholics” just like the Arian or Sabellian or Protestant “Catholics” before them. 😉

We all know how they ended up, on the charitable, but firmly applied side of an Anathema via Council. 😊
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Read it again, and you’ll find you’ve miscounted.
May God bless all who visit this thread!
In a sense, this reflects both poor catechesis and a lack of awareness of church history.
The Church has had serious sinners in the priesthood before-and been through several periods of intense reformation. The medieval period comes immediately to mind.
Still, it remains the Church, instituted by Christ. Catholics who understand that that wheat and weeds will grow at the same time, to be separated at judgement, will not abandon the Church. Catechesis is important as is staying faithful to Our Lord in times of trial.
Saint Catherine of Siena pray for us.
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Most Catholics in the US are horribly catechized. This is evidenced by the fact a 2019 Pew poll showed 70% of people who call themselves Catholic either don’t know or don’t believe in the Real Presence. There are other statistics that bear out my claim, but this singularly proves it. The Eucharist is at the center of Catholic worship…and the vast majority of Catholics don’t get it.

Over the past few weeks I have seen all kinds of pundits (and the ones highlighted in this article) complaining about ACB’s Catholicism…that somehow she doesn’t get it. To those pundits, actually believing what the Church teaches is extremist and not “real Catholicism.”
I’m not sure catechesis is the problem.

As we used to say, the cafeteria is open. Some people just flat reject some Church teaching. They know it. They choose not to follow it. There’s always a chance they will change their mind.
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