And many Catholics are utterly disgusted with behaviour and cover-ups of some clerics, all the way up to cardinals. As a result many Catholics have a hard time taking the Church hierarchy seriously when they preach sexual morality, a morality far too many of them seem to observe more in the breach than the observance.Sadly this isn’t surprising. So many Catholics are poorly formed in the faith.
I was arguing your point that the problem is poor formation in the faith. I know many who are well formed but reject some doctrine due to a perceived credibility problem.What in the world does that have to do with Amy Coney Barrett?
Or like Joe Biden.You can be like Nancy Pelosi or Ted Kennedy and still be Catholic.
Leaving the Church because it’s full of hypocrites be like leaving the gym because it full of fat people.Jeanne_S:
I was arguing your point that the problem is poor formation in the faith. I know many who are well formed but reject some doctrine due to a perceived credibility problem.What in the world does that have to do with Amy Coney Barrett?
If there are Cathlics who reject Catholic teachings, that is regrettable, and sort of an oxymoron.
One of my neighbors made a comment years ago re her daughter,who was attending a Catholic school.
She wanted to transfer to a public school.This because the Catholic school was really pushing Catholicism.Neighbor went on to say” I mean we are Catholic just not THAT Catholic”:woman_facepalming:t2:
You can be like Nancy Pelosi or Ted Kennedy and still be Catholic.
It’s because they are not orthodox Catholics. They are liberal “Catholics” or modernist “Catholics” just like the Arian or Sabellian or Protestant “Catholics” before them.Or like Joe Biden.
So well put I wanted to read it again!To those pundits, actually believing what the Church teaches is extremist and not “real Catholicism.”