I find Father Stan Fortuna to be a wonderful blessing. He’s really able to meet inner-city youths where they are. They want rap? He gives them good holy rap that sends a solid message. These kids that live in the Bronx are living in their own culture and it is wrong of anyone to think that our culture is superior to theirs and that their cultural music (rap) is stupid and needs to be taken away. Father Stan isn’t going to get anywhere crooning the “Ave Maria” to a bunch of kids that probably have never even heard of that kind of music before. So he speaks to them through their own culture. There’s nothing wrong with that. Why assume that Father Stan needs to force your particular culture down these Bronx kids’ throats? He’d lose more kids then he’d gain if he did so.
His “Sacro Songs” cd was #4 on the Amazon.com charts for independent record companies - #4 out of secular as well as religious music. He must be doing something right. Not all of his music is rap either. I own his cd “Adoration” and it’s breathtaking. I’ve ordered several more of his cds. He does not teach heresy or watered-down doctrine. He’s solidly orthodox. So what if he wears corn rows in his hair and talks the Bronx talk? He’s meeting the kids in their environment and working wonders.
I just finished watching Fr. Fortuna’s “An Instructional Mass” video tape. This man is no-nonsense about the Faith. He exudes authority. It’d take a crazy person to get away with anything with him! Yet even though he is doing so much good and he is very respected, Father is quite humble. I highly admire him, his work, and his community. When we go do missions work in areas we have to meet the needs of that area!
I think if anyone has a major problem with Fr. Fortuna or the Franciscan Friars of the Renewal, maybe they should go into the inner projects of the Bronx and spend a summer working side-by-side with them. It’s easy to criticize when you aren’t there living what they live with every day and night.
Keep it up Father Stan Fortuna! God bless you and all of the Frasican Brothers and Sisters of the Renewal!