Pope announced 3 evils of this generation

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Pope Francis announced publicly last year the three evils of this generation: homosexuality, abortion and Israeli idealism.

Obviously our Pope is not promoting homosexuality.
His message is about having peace and serenity by establishing equal human rights to resources. Recognizing we are all children of God the Father.

He also stated to not let these things effect us personally by obsessing about it.

Surley our Holy Father has caused some ripples by his comments. I think he needed to shake us up a bit to remind us to love each other.

What are your thoughts about the most recent public announcements of our Holy Father?
Pope Francis announced publicly last year the three evils of this generation: homosexuality, abortion and Israeli idealism.
“Israeli idealism”? I never heard about that until now. Can you give a link, please?
If the pope called out Israel worship that’s pretty awesome.
When the Holy Father addressed Israeli idealism as one of the three evils of this generation he was talking about ISIS and the extremists doing suicide bombings.

He also mentioned the evils of last generation one of them being communism.
ISIS isn’t an Israeli movement. It’s opposed to Israel. Maybe you meant to write “Islamic extremism”?
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I love to follow the Pope he has to be one of the wisest and most tender speaking people I’ve read about.

Remember when he said God speaks to us in three ways? Words, Gestures and Silence. Certain things he says really stick to people.
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The suicide bombers… that growing group of ideas the USA has been at war with for years. The war on terror is what the Pope is addressing as evil Isreali Idealism.
My understanding is that ISIS was the terrorist group behind the bombings. Unless they were conquered already like Rome ha.

And I can’t find the article right now bc the internet search won’t pull it up. If I find later I will post.
I sure am glad the Pope wasn’t beating up on the Israelis. I thought for a moment we were turning the clock back to the 19th century. But it’s only ISIS. Yeah everybody agrees they’re evil. Whew.
Too bad a Pope can’t also be President! We wouldn’t need to be concerned about Trump or Biden.

Maybe if we get an American born Pope one day.
It would be nice to have a Pope from USA some day, as long as they selected a good holy cardinal and not a scandalous McCarrick or a Cody or a Spellman etc.

However, Popes should not exercise secular power. That would be detrimental to our Church and our country both. I would not support a Pope for President and a decent moral Pope would not seek that office.
The Pope could change the rules for himself no doubt, and probably for others as well.

Not a good idea though, best for the Pope to not do that.
Pope Francis announced publicly last year the three evils of this generation: homosexuality, abortion and Israeli idealism
You state that Pope Francis said this publicly. Can you please provide a link to his public statement on these three evils. And if you cannot find any link, can you please then state when, where and for what occasion did he publicly announce these three evils.

Thank you in advance.
I sure am glad the Pope wasn’t beating up on the Israelis. I thought for a moment we were turning the clock back to the 19th century.
Yes because Israel = Jews. As the supporters of Israel never tire of repeating.
Back in 2014, in the second year of his pontificate, Pope Francis seemed to be on friendly terms with a couple of top Zionists:

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I think the OP claims needs to quickly be sourced or withdrawn as likely to cause more scandal to casual readers.
The Papacy already exerts a significant amount of secular power, and has for hundreds of years, apart from the period from 1871 to 1929.

I’m tempted to say a decent moral person would not seek that office, but I won’t.
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