Pope Benedict whacks 'hypocritical' secularists

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Looks like Pope Benedict is talking no prisoners in the war against the Relativists:
Pope Benedict whacks ‘hypocritical’ secularists
Calls those who want to exclude God from public life intolerant
Posted: October 2, 2005
4:37 p.m. Eastern
© 2005 WorldNetDaily.com

In a message to over 250 Catholic bishops at the Vatican today, Pope Benedict XVI said it was hypocritical to exclude God and religion from public life.

Full Story
It should be interesting to see the reaction of the Culture of Perversion.

Looks like Pope Benedict is talking no prisoners in the war against the Relativists:It should be interesting to see the reaction of the Culture of Perversion.

I’m so impressed!!! I knew I liked him for a reason!
Although he was the third on my list, I now know he was the best choice. I have a feeling he will leave a very big mark on the history of the Church.

I love Pope Benedict XVI!
I read “Salt of the Earth” and when I was done I went to church and signerd up for RCIA. I like anyone who stands firm in their beleifs.
oops, let me clarify…
I like good people with good hearts that stand for what thewy beleive.
We are sooo blessed in having Pope Benedict XVI as our spiritual leader and teacher! 👍
Sirach14 said:
“Calls those who want to exclude God from public life intolerant”

And they call us intolerant. Well I say that I am intolerant since I know (not believe) there is only one Truth and that is the Catholic Church.

**Pope Benedict whacks ‘hypocritical’ secularists **…
Full Story
The title of the article at the link provided is not ‘Pope Benedict whacks ‘hypocritical’ secularists.’ Neither does this clause appear anywhere in the article. The title of the article is ‘Cardinal Ratzinger is the Antichrist!’ That having being said:

The Church hammer is coming down
The Roman Catholic Church is moving to make consistent her treatment of Catholic politicians. Fireworks might be in the future. Moving from a piecemeal approach, bishop by bishop, to a single universal set of rules:

Canadian Prime Minister Paul Martin… Spanish Prime Minister Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero… San Francisco mayor Gavin Newsom… could be refused the sacraments of the Roman Catholic Church under a proposal being considered by the Vatican… The ban on the sacraments is supported by bishops from Spain and Canada as well as a number from the US. The proposal reportedly has the endorsement of Pope Benedict…
When Paul Martin suggests that the Church’s opinions must be voiced only in private, and that in his public persona as Prime Minister, he is exempt from the rules governing all other Catholics, the role of the Church shifts from being parallel to and independent from the State, to a subservient role, altering her behaviour and her message based on which politicians are in power and what social policy decisions they have decided to take on.

Pope Benedict XVI and the bishops aren’t stupid, and they won’t stand for this. A basic governing principle of Catholicism is that all people, from King to serf (or the modern equivalents), are equal before the eyes of God. The Church must act in a manner consistent with that principle… [Otherwise it’s] regalism… At stake here… is the notion that wherever the State chooses to cast its shadow, the Church must abandon all pretext of opinion or leadership. That’s not going to happen.
So now we pray. :gopray2:
Ani Ibi:
The title of the article at the link provided is not ‘Pope Benedict whacks ‘hypocritical’ secularists.’ Neither does this clause appear anywhere in the article. The title of the article is ‘Cardinal Ratzinger is the Antichrist!’
You don’t think the author was a little biased?http://forums.catholic-questions.org/images/icons/icon12.gif

Right after the election, someone asked me what I though of the choice of Ratzinger as Pope. I said, "He would have been my pick."http://forums.catholic-questions.org/images/icons/icon10.gif
I can’t see how the secularists will win this war when they go against the Pope and publicly blaspheme the Madonna and her Christ. I believe that even if the do win it will be a punishment from God.

It’s like Paul Martin said.
“I believe in the separation of church and state. I believe in the Canadian Charter of Rights,” he said, referring to the country’s bill of rights. “I do not believe the prime minister of the country can cherry-pick those rights. As a Catholic, that’s my faith, and I’ll keep that to myself.”
The attacks on the Pope continue as usual.

Bishop Donald Trautman, one of the alternate American bishops named to the synod, criticized the scant attention paid in the document to the “pivotal problem” of the priest shortage, which has forced the closure of hundreds of parishes in the United States and the clustering together of others.

“For the synod fathers not to discuss in a significant way the critical shortage of celebrants for Eucharist would be a disservice to God’s people,” he wrote in this week’s edition of the Jesuit weekly America.

The USA today is even more critical of Benedict.

The Communist Party-controlled Catholic Patriotic Association and Chinese Catholic Bishops College said soon after the four bishops were named that they could not come. They said the pope had shown ‘‘no respect’’ because the government had already told Rome they were too old and ill to travel.

NYTimes apparently is up to no good as usual.

But you always have anti-christs or judases who are ‘unhappy’ with how the church is.
vern humphrey:
You don’t think the author was a little biased?http://forums.catholic-questions.org/images/icons/icon12.gif
Actually, I have no idea what’s going on with those titles. Calling the Pope names is a bit over the top.
vern humphrey:
Right after the election, someone asked me what I though of the choice of Ratzinger as Pope. I said, "He would have been my pick."http://forums.catholic-questions.org/images/icons/icon10.gif
I jumped around the living room, not believing my very good fortune. I love this Pope. Over the moon with him, I am.
Ani Ibi:
The title of the article at the link provided is not ‘Pope Benedict whacks ‘hypocritical’ secularists.’ Neither does this clause appear anywhere in the article. The title of the article is ‘Cardinal Ratzinger is the Antichrist!’ That having being said:

The Church hammer is coming down

So now we pray. :gopray2:
I am confused. Not always hard to do. Where is the article titled ‘Cardinal Ratzinger is the Antichrist!’ ?

I only went to the article ‘Pope Benedict whacks ‘hypocritical’ secularists.’ This artical confirms my joy at having him for our new PAPA.
I am confused. Not always hard to do. Where is the article titled ‘Cardinal Ratzinger is the Antichrist!’ ?

I only went to the article ‘Pope Benedict whacks ‘hypocritical’ secularists.’ This artical confirms my joy at having him for our new PAPA.
Ok. This is weirding me out. When I clicked on the original link, it took me to an article entitled ‘Cardinal Ratzinger is the Antichrist!’ If they have changed the title, then I am glad they have come to their senses and I am happy to stand corrected.
I just tried it and I got the original title. Are you sure you are going to:
Yup. I have the ‘whacks’ title now. Maybe it was some kind of temporary prank on that site. Anyway, we are reading from the same page now.
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