Pope Benedict XVI Praises von Balthasar and His Theology
In Message for Centenary of His Birth
VATICAN CITY, OCT. 10, 2005 (Zenit.org).- Benedict XVI says that spirituality does not rob theology of scientific weight but rather gives it coherence.
The Pope made that point in a message written for the centenary of the birth of a friend, Swiss theologian Hans Urs von Balthasar. “Theology, as and how he conceived it, had to be combined with spirituality; only in this way, in fact, could it be profound and effective,” said the Holy Father in his message addressed to the international congress entitled “Love Alone Is Credible,” organized at the Lateran University in tribute to von Balthasar.
Hans Urs von Balthasar (1905-1988), one of the most important Catholic intellectuals and writers of the 20th century, wrote more than 100 books and hundreds of articles. Tired of the prevalent Neo-Scholasticism of his day, von Balthasar was drawn to the spirituality-theology of the Church Fathers. While a professor in Basle and a chaplain for students, he met the mystic Adrienne von Speyr (1902-1967); she would become a Catholic under his spiritual direction. Her writings became a major source of inspiration for his writing, and he insisted that her work could not be separated from his own. Together they founded the Community of St. John, a “secular institute.” In 1972 he formed Communio, an international Catholic review, with Jean Danielou, Henri de Lubac and Joseph Ratzinger (the future Benedict XVI). From 1961-1987 he produced his most important work, a trilogy published in 15 volumes: “The Glory of the Lord,” “Theo-Drama” and “Theo-Logic.” After many years of fighting illness and exhaustion, Balthasar died on June 26, 1988, one day before he was to be made a cardinal by Pope John Paul II.
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In Message for Centenary of His Birth
VATICAN CITY, OCT. 10, 2005 (Zenit.org).- Benedict XVI says that spirituality does not rob theology of scientific weight but rather gives it coherence.
The Pope made that point in a message written for the centenary of the birth of a friend, Swiss theologian Hans Urs von Balthasar. “Theology, as and how he conceived it, had to be combined with spirituality; only in this way, in fact, could it be profound and effective,” said the Holy Father in his message addressed to the international congress entitled “Love Alone Is Credible,” organized at the Lateran University in tribute to von Balthasar.
Hans Urs von Balthasar (1905-1988), one of the most important Catholic intellectuals and writers of the 20th century, wrote more than 100 books and hundreds of articles. Tired of the prevalent Neo-Scholasticism of his day, von Balthasar was drawn to the spirituality-theology of the Church Fathers. While a professor in Basle and a chaplain for students, he met the mystic Adrienne von Speyr (1902-1967); she would become a Catholic under his spiritual direction. Her writings became a major source of inspiration for his writing, and he insisted that her work could not be separated from his own. Together they founded the Community of St. John, a “secular institute.” In 1972 he formed Communio, an international Catholic review, with Jean Danielou, Henri de Lubac and Joseph Ratzinger (the future Benedict XVI). From 1961-1987 he produced his most important work, a trilogy published in 15 volumes: “The Glory of the Lord,” “Theo-Drama” and “Theo-Logic.” After many years of fighting illness and exhaustion, Balthasar died on June 26, 1988, one day before he was to be made a cardinal by Pope John Paul II.
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