I thought this deserved its own thread. So it appears the part about people having a right to a family was unrelated to civil unions. This is all from a 2019 interview. The “right to a family” part was about not disowning your kids and he is clear about the morality of same-sex acts.
The endorsement for civil unions for legal protections is not in the transcript, but might be from the same interview. Not sure if true, but I read that comment was in relation to Argentina when he opposed same sex marriage there, but thought there might be a compromise.
Clearly he sees approving certain legal protections of a civil union as not necessarily connected to approving same sex acts. Personally, I agree in theory, but in practice they are always treated as going in hand in hand and are treated as marriage and the Church has always opposed them for this reason.
Anyway, here is the relevant context of the 2019 interview (my bolding)–there’s more in my next post a few down.
En primicia el Papa en Televisa: “El mundo sin la mujer no funciona” - Vatican News
The endorsement for civil unions for legal protections is not in the transcript, but might be from the same interview. Not sure if true, but I read that comment was in relation to Argentina when he opposed same sex marriage there, but thought there might be a compromise.
Clearly he sees approving certain legal protections of a civil union as not necessarily connected to approving same sex acts. Personally, I agree in theory, but in practice they are always treated as going in hand in hand and are treated as marriage and the Church has always opposed them for this reason.
Anyway, here is the relevant context of the 2019 interview (my bolding)–there’s more in my next post a few down.
Here is the Spanish original (I just ran it through google translate):They asked me a question on a flight - later it made me angry, it made me angry because of how the media transmitted it - about the family integration of people with homosexual orientation, and I said: homosexual people have the right to be in the family, people with a homosexual orientation have the right to be in the family and parents have the right to recognize that son as homosexual, that daughter as homosexual. You can not throw anyone out of the family or make life impossible for that …
Another thing is - I said - when you see some signs in the boys who are growing up and send them there … I should have said ‘professional’, it came out ‘psychiatrist’. I wanted to say a professional because sometimes there are signs in adolescence or pre-adolescence that do not know if they are of a homosexual tendency or is that the thymus gland did not atrophy in time, who knows, a thousand things, right? Then a professional. Title of that newspaper: “The Pope sends homosexuals to the psychiatrist.” Is not true! They asked me that same question again and I repeated it: ‘They are children of God, they have the right to a family, and such. "Another thing is … And I explained: I was wrong in that word, but I wanted to say this.’ When they notice something ra…. ’ “Ah it’s weird …” No, it’s not weird. Something that is out of the ordinary. I mean, don’t take a little word to cancel the context. There, what he says is ‘you have the right to a family’. And that does not mean to approve of homosexual acts, far from it.
En primicia el Papa en Televisa: “El mundo sin la mujer no funciona” - Vatican News
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