How would the latin word diffuse the meaning of the english translation? It seems to me the thrust of the document has the intent of both interior and exterior participation, whatever form that may take within liturgy. The word “conscious” is one that I like since it exhorts the pew-sitters to enter into the spirit of the liturgy, whether or not they are “active.” Listening can be “active” and so can silence be permeated with “actuosa” participation.
I respect that many of us on line have read only the english text, and I doubt that we are really that far off base in our understanding of it, even though most of us have never, and will never read the latin text.
Surely we are not splitting hairs with our “understanding” of it, are we?
I believe the entire english translation is on the Vatican website, so if the majority of viewers kinda got it wrong because it was not in latin, wouldn’t they have issued a correction?