Pope condemns possession of nuclear weapons

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Russian, in all its history, has never done anything that did not first benefit Russia.
World War I would have ended sooner, if not for the Commies coming to power in Russia.
Nuclear weapons are here to stay, but nuclear power plans need to go.
Thanks anyways for letting me know. I guess this thread exposes me as a “Rad Trad”.
When nations get rid of their nuclear weapons, the last nation remaining with them, whether by hiding them or re-manufacturing them—will rule the world.
Nuclear weapons and the knowledge of mutual destruction are the only things keeping countries from slaughtering each other.
Thanks for your reply. What we in the democracy of the USA have the power to accomplish (if we have the will) is unilateral nuclear disarmament. That means for the USA to dismantle and destroy its nuclear weapons without regard for what any other country does. The consequence of this action would be that the USA would have to live under the Russian nuclear umbrella. I do not believe the dire predictions that Russia would then use nuclear blackmail to enslave the USA. What I do believe is that if we do not undertake unilateral nuclear disarmament the end result will be a global nuclear war, and this war will have the potential to destroy all human life on this planet.
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At the present time, the US is testing hypersonic weapon systems. They have non-nuclear warheads.
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We can’t beat our swords into plowshares until everyone else does. MAD (mutual assured destruction) is the best deterrent to nuclear war we have at this time.
There is a difference between “can’t” and “don’t want to.” Of course we can, if we have the will. And if we understood how the MAD protocol is going to turn out, we would discard it like the hot potato that it is.

MAD is slowly but surely being destabilized by the continued development of nuclear first-strike capabilities. The USSR has Kilo-class submarines that the US Navy is unable to track and also has a stealth cruise missile that can be launched from these subs. What that boils down to is that Russia will have the capability to place 1000 nuclear warheads on US ICBM silos, etc, and the only warning will be when these bombs begin to detonate.

On the other hand the USA has placed advanced fusing systems on its SLBMs which enable these to destroy Russian missile silos with so little warning time that the Russians cannot launch. Add to that the desire of ISIS to trigger a nuclear war.

As I have mentioned, the disaster of global nuclear war is predicted in Scripture. We ought to take these warnings seriously.
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So-called ISIS is not a threat, Iran is. You should investigate the warning times for different launch platforms. The US can track Russian subs. Thanks to satellites, the Russians and Chinese know where most things are. The US also has a stealth cruise missile.
ISIS is not, of course, a major threat or a nuclear threat. But ISIS has not been eliminated, and it would very much like to be the spark that ignites a nuclear war.

My understanding is that the US Navy cannot track the Russian non-nuclear Kilo-class sub which they call the “black-hole” sub because it just disappears off of their sonar. Also, the warning time for an ICBM or SLBM launch is determined by satellite detection of the missile’s heat plume. A cruise missile is powered by a turbo jet and does not leave a heat trail that is detectable. Therefore, it does not enable any warning time.

As of this time, the US stealth cruise missile is not nuclear enabled.

Pope Pius X is named as having predicted an ISIS attack on Vatican City and the Catholic hierarchy in Europe. This prophecy has already been validated because it predicted the resignation of a pope who would share a name with Giuseppe Sarto. That has happened. The rumoured result of this ISIS attack is a severe right-wing swing in European politics. Who knows where that will lead.
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Cruise missiles are more complicated than you think. As far as Russian subs, the threat scenarios are there.
I respectfully disagree with you. It would be a total disaster for the world if the US and the civilized world disarm themselves in the hope countries such as Russia, Pakistan, China, etc… would do the same—while North Korea, Iran and other terrorist groups would end their relentless pursuit to gain access to nuclear weapons. Why would the US allow itself to live under the mercy and good will of tyrants?? It makes no sense…

I will check out if this thread, and I thank you for a respectful dialogue.
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Wow. It took the USA, a great naval power, years to perfect seaborne invasion, and yet the Soviets, a tiny naval power at the end of a devastating war, were going to figure it out in a couple of months?

Dropping the atomic bomb saved American lives, but more than that, it saved Japanese lives and Chinese lives (estimates were that 5000 Chinese a week were dying).
All popes including, and since, Pius XII, condemned nuclear weapons. The bishops in the US, for instance, denounced MAD as far back as early 1980s.
Yes. And Pope Francis has also condemned the possession of nuclear weapons. "If we also take into account the risk of an accidental detonation as a result of error of any kind, the threat of their use, as well as their very possession, is to be firmly condemned,"
Since His Holiness, the guardian of Catholic faith and morals, and the Vicar of Christ, has spoken so unequivocally on this, I believe it is absolutely mandatory for every Catholic to support this moral teaching. The Americans and others should immediately take steps to reduce and eliminate all nuclear weapons. The last time I checked the Americans have 31,000 nuclear warheads, which is more than enough to murder every living human on earth several times over. After all, only one nuclear warhead can murder hundreds of thousands of innocent people. The time has come to listen to the moral teachings of His Holiness the Vicar of Christ. We must all firmly condemn the possession of nuclear weapons.
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