I think that if a person cannot exercise self-control, then he should marry.
@ATraveller I don’t like the line of discussion where people get married in order to just “do it”, but it is a reality for some and the Bible does teach what @AINg said. Maybe it is an act of meekness from all of us, as humans, to accept that our limitations exist, we are even at our best “a little less than Angels”, and Sainthood cannot be forced out of anyone. I am not even certain if the Church teaches that one must become a saint themselves to be in Heaven. Only that the Church is only certain about Saints being in Heaven not sure about anyone else.
We must aspire to sainthood and not treat the saints as some aliens who did because they were special and we can’t do it. This makes sense to me.
On another take allowing married men into priesthood it is not just that they will be the married priests with a wife and satisfied needs, this also means that priesthood will attract men who consider a relationship with a woman in traditional acceptable ways. And those priests would have children who would be raised in a faithful manner and those of them who are boys may also become priests and this would bring continuity to priesthood without in any way inflicting on the Motherhood of Church and the Fatherhood of God if that is the fear of creating “priestly families”.
Anyway, whatever the Vatican chooses to do I pray God keeps them safe and lowers the temptations on their priests and helps the Catholic Church to fulfill her vows.