Pope Francis Appreciation Thread

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Sadly Catholic Answers Forum is coming to an end, so before it closes I hoped to make this thread to bring attention to all the great things that Pope Francis has done.
It is really unfortunate that the mainstream media 99 % of the time only reports things about Pope Francis a negative light so at least this will be some “small” appreciation. 🙂

I will start with Pope Francis efforts towards bringing the Catholic Church and Orthodox Church closer together, and Pope Francis blessing a journalists guide dog:

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The social justice teachings of the Church are often brushed away as being “prudential judgment”

There was a poster who used to be frequently here and would post about social justice teaching often. He was from Europe.

I thought his posts were very good.
😂 he doesn’t understand communism…or if he does(which I hope is not the case), is promoting it. In the later case, that’s not good…communist “ideals” are brought about by force, not charity. The Chinese Communists originally promised land shares to poor people(socialism). The Communists then seized the land back from the people after they came fully into power. Communists don’t care about poor people…only care about as much as they can contribute in their work.
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Why has it become so common for Catholics who disagree with the Church’s teaching to express that disagreement by suggesting the Pope is ignorant? Do people really think its persuasive to suggest that the leader of the Church doesn’t understand the Church’s teachings, or what he is saying about them?
Instead of highlighting a particular thing that Pope Francis has done, I would just like to mention the warmth and authenticity that he exudes.
I certainly appreciate Pope Francis! I don’t like it whenever he is criticized, just as I didn’t like it when any of his predecessors were criticized. The way I see it, each Pope offers and teaches something I need to consider, something I need to apply in my life, even, or maybe especially if it’s something that challenges my complacency, my attitude that I already know what’s best for the Church. God bless Pope Francis!
Is it really necessary to bring politics into a thread about our Pope?
That was in the context of Church teaching against it. It was not in the context of inserting a false narrative that has nothing to do with the Church.
They mentioned Catholic social teaching. The article posted explained what the Pope meant.
There is already too much confusion
Only for those who are not really paying attention or who have an axe to grind. Last reply; I will not participate further in taking this thread off topic.
I pray this Christians in North Korea and Venezuela understand their suffering is looked at lovingly by God.

I wish I could be as Christian as those wonderful people living in poverty.due to their communistic governments.

When one of them dies of starvation they die as an example too all Christian everywhere
Those being criticized on this thread, and on so many others. One thing I have definitively learned from CAF is that many American Catholics place their capitalist politics above Church teaching. Pope Francis seems to particularly annoy that type of American Catholic.
Again? What Church teaching is the Communist one?
There is not a Church teaching in favor of Communism per se. But as Pope Francis is pointing out in the article cited above, many Communist principles are actually Christian principles, including the principle that private property rights are contingent and limited, and that appropriate authority can and must intervene to assure the appropriate distribution of goods. As the Pope points out, although socialism and communism have picked up some aspects of those ideas, they are ultimately Christian and Catholic ideas, and also Catholic moral imperatives.
New user with strong political opinions hijacks thread: gee, there’s a shocker. This is illustrative of the long, slow decline of these forums.

Re the OP’s topic: I struggle with a lot of Pope Francis’ pontificate. I decided long ago that my proper place was to work through my issues myself (not publicly) and instead focus on this approach:
The way I see it, each Pope offers and teaches something I need to consider, something I need to apply in my life, even, or maybe especially if it’s something that challenges my complacency, my attitude that I already know what’s best for the Church.
Recently, I have appreciated that Pope Francis nicely summarized in four words what I have observed in the last nine months of opposition to pandemic mitigation efforts: an “angry spirit of victimhood.”
CAF pulling the plug. I see why. This thread is a prime example. It’s supposed to be a positive thread about our Pope, yet even this has degenerated into politics, divisiveness, and bickering.
Nice strawman. We all agree that the Church does not support Communism. You said that the Church condemns the redistribution of goods and income as theft, which you surely know is untrue.
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