Jesus re: division(s) and unity.
Luke 12: [51] Do you [think] that I have come to [establish] [peace]on the [earth]? No, I [tell] you, but rather [division].
52 From now on a [household] of [five] will be [divided], [three] against [two] and [two] against
John 17: 9 I pray for them. I do not pray for the world but for the ones you have given me, because they are yours,
10 and everything of mine is yours and everything of yours is mine, and I have been glorified in them.
11 And now I will no longer be in the world, but they are in the world, while I am coming to you. Holy Father, keep them in your name that you have given me,
so that they may be one just as we are.
Pointing to the divisions in the Church after the Second Vatican Council, Francis said it is permissible to think differently from one another…
![Thinking face :thinking: 🤔](
- If we WERE more unified BEFORE that Council … maybe we can seek and find that unity again.
Perhaps correcting the liberal excesses in
interpretation of the Council that caused many of the subsequent division(s).
Perhaps … putting the tabernacle with the real presence of God back into its front and center position in all Churches (rather than cast to the side or hidden apart from the worshippers who came to worship HIM).
Making private confession(s) more available … per accessibility and privacy … (i.e. more than say ONE priest in a parish of thousands of families being available for as little as one half hour a week … sometimes with JUST the face-to-face option the ONLY option available < when such could easily be afforded).
MOSTLY I liked what Pope Francis’ Sunday Gospel homily.
Since it WAS however the very Gospel and chapter of John that BEGAN with Jesus speaking of a WALL or fence and saying:
John 10: [1][2] (
"[Amen], [amen], I [say] to you, whoever does not [enter] a [sheepfold] through the [gate] but [climbs] over elsewhere is a [thief] and a [robber].
[2] But whoever [enters] through the [gate] is the [shepherd] of the [sheep].
[3] The [gatekeeper] [opens] it for him, and the [sheep] [hear] his [voice], as he [calls] his own [sheep] by [name] and [leads] them out.
… it might have been a good time for the Pope to clarify his words regarding illegal immigration … words which have confused some … and hardly addressing the side effects of open immigration without screening (which some think he favors due to the intensity of his words and actions … like the mass he said at the American border prior to the 2016 election).
In a Church almost empty due to a runaway virus pandemic … spread partly due to a “too open” travel screening policy … it might have been the perfect week to add a bit of clarity or tolerance for that part of the body that … permissibly … think differently than … the Pope.
unity … in the truth of Christ < the Pope DID admirably emphasize
otherwise in his sermon Sunday.
![Smiling face with halo :innocent: 😇](