Don’t we have deacons for those things? I have no objection to married deacons, the deacon at my parish is married, I just object very much to married priests. A priest is not Christ, but I think tradition dictates that they should follow Christ’s example and not marry. If they want to marry, they can leave the Church.Just the liberal press predicting the future as they would want it. Wait for the Church to rule on these matters. Married priests are possibly an option in certain circumstances as it is permitted for any married Anglican priest whose vocation is continued within the Church on their conversion. The second issue would seem to condone living in a state of public sin and thus not possible if our devotion and adoration of the Eucharist is to be maintained, which is a fundamental rock on which the Church brings Christ to its people. The pope has made no public statements to support such a private opinion of his intentions. He is a great pope and deserves our loyalty and prayers. Again, just the liberals stirring the possum.