Pope John Paul II and Quran

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Why did pope John Paul II kiss the Quran?

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He was visiting a mosque, and I surmise that he was wanting to be courteous to his Muslim hosts. I think some Catholics are bothered by St John Paul’s decision, but I suppose it takes boldness - a characteristic trait of the late Pope - to build bridges between communities where there is so much acrimony.
He was visiting a mosque, and I surmise that he was wanting to be courteous to his Muslim hosts. I think some Catholics are bothered by St John Paul’s decision, but I suppose it takes boldness - a characteristic trait of the late Pope - to build bridges between communities where there is so much acrimony.
Did Pope John Paul II ever clarify that Quran is a wrong book or something like this?
Well maybe he didn’t know it was a Quran and saw it was beautiful so he kissed it. After all His Holiness kissed the ground whenever he arrives to a country as a sign of respect so maybe he kissed the Quran as a “sign of respect”. However we don’t need to worry because he is a saint now.

Pope St. John Paul II, pray for us!
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Even if the Pope erred, he did so on the side of love, and that, in my view, makes all the difference.
It is a book that meant everything to his hosts. They gave him a copy. He reciprocated their act of respect. Had they done the unlikely thing and welcomed me, an atheist, in the same way, I think I would have kissed my copy. You can be respectful of others and their beliefs without agreeing with them.
Well maybe he didn’t know it was a Quran and saw it was beautiful so he kissed it.
You are kidding, right?
After all His Holiness kissed the ground whenever he arrives to a country as a sign of respect so maybe he kissed the Quran as a “sign of respect”. However we don’t need to worry because he is a saint now.
Then we must have other pictures, showing Pope John Paul II kissed Holy Books of other religions.
Even if the Pope erred, he did so on the side of love, and that, in my view, makes all the difference.
I don’t mean he erred. I think it was a reasonable action.It may be possible that he believed that there are some true things in the Quran, in a pluralistic view; but I am not sure about it.
It is a book that meant everything to his hosts. They gave him a copy. He reciprocated their act of respect. Had they done the unlikely thing and welcomed me, an atheist, in the same way, I think I would have kissed my copy. You can be respectful of others and their beliefs without agreeing with them.
Of course, there must be respectable things in it, otherwise every belief is not respectable. For example, Terrorism, Racism,… are not respectable.
It was a sign of respect for millions of lives seeking the will of God through the Qur’an.

Of course, we Christians have been given the fullness of truth.

But it is also true that, at least in my part, if one says “the purpose of my days is to seek the will of God” they call an emergency doctor.

So without taking anything away from Catholic truth, men’s hearts are more complex than our patterns and Saint John Paul II knew it 🙂
He was visiting a mosque, and I surmise that he was wanting to be courteous to his Muslim hosts. I think some Catholics are bothered by St John Paul’s decision, but I suppose it takes boldness - a characteristic trait of the late Pope - to build bridges between communities where there is so much acrimony.
Did Pope John Paul II ever clarify that Quran is a wrong book or something like this?
In one his encyclicals (I think Dominus Iesus, too tired to look it up) he said non-Catholic religions are “gravely deficient”. I am.pretty sure that includes their holy books.
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It’s just another example of the kind of mixed signals which characterise the post Vatican II Church.
But it is also true that, at least in my part, if one says “the purpose of my days is to seek the will of God” they call an emergency doctor.
Explain please.
In one his encyclicals (I think Dominus Iesus, too tired to look it up) he said non-Catholic religions are “gravely deficient”. I am.sure that includes their holy books.
I do not think that Pope John Paul II believed that Quran is a efficient book, but this action may show that he believed there are some/a few true teachings in the Quran.
It’s just another example of the kind of mixed signals which characterise the post Vatican II Church.
Explain please.
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But it is also true that, at least in my part, if one says “the purpose of my days is to seek the will of God” they call an emergency doctor.
Explain please.
In one his encyclicals (I think Dominus Iesus, too tired to look it up) he said non-Catholic religions are “gravely deficient”. I am.sure that includes their holy books.
I do not think that Pope John Paul II believed that Quran is a efficient book, but this action may show that he believed there are some/a few true teachings in the Quran.
It’s just another example of the kind of mixed signals which characterise the post Vatican II Church.
Explain please.
Well, Islam and Christianity are both Abrahamic faiths, so yes of course there are some truths (eg monotheism) held in common by both that are discussed in both Bibke.and Quran.
He kissed it because he was showing respect and also because they worship the God of Abraham, as do we.

Why do you have an issue with him kissing it?
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Explain please.
Many simple Islamic people - non-terrorists, non-fanatics - spend the day looking for the will of God, while in Milan - probably everywhere but I speak of what I know - many Catholics spend the day looking for the will of their intellectual arrogance and their lower abdomen.
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