Why do people assume these fundamentalist terrorists represent anything
near Islam? Good golly, can’t we recognize extremists yet? And know that a small, sick few do NOT represent the WHOLE?
Look at our sinful priests behind the scandal…not to beat a dead horse, but c’mon…I think we’d be the first to recognize that the actions of those priests
do not represent the teaching of our Church or the beliefs and practices of the rest of us Catholics.
There are many passages in the Old Testament which would raise an eyebrow by today’s Western standards if taken out of context…but interlaced with the New Testament and viewing the Bible in its ENTIRETY as one WHOLE Truth keeps us from tossing out the offending sections.
I would think it’s the same for the Koran…it’s my understanding that, on the WHOLE, it’s not as abhorring as some people claim it to be.
Of course, I know not of what I speak with regard to the Koran since I’ve never read it…but I have an open mind and heart…enough to not condemn it outright and enough to listen to some ‘good’ Muslims speak of the good messages it teaches.
So I take it you’ve come to the conclusion the Koran is “scourlous tripe” after you read it, huh?