When I was a Protestant I listened to a lot more contemporary Christian music (like a lot of what you hear on Christian radio). There were a few groups or particular songs I liked, and still do. However, I was raised Catholic and often found myself going back to hymns I’d heard hundreds of times at Mass, partly no doubt due to them being sort of ingrained in mind. What I started to find with contemporary “praise and worship” (and I have this same issue with a lot of Christian films) is they just lacked a certain depth. At the time I couldn’t articulate the reason but I now believe it’s partly due to the songs representing both the good and bad elements of American Evangelicalism- there’s often a lot of “feeling” to the contemporary stuff, with an emphasis on personal relationship with Jesus. Which is ok, but feelings can’t sustain our Faith journey, or our relationship with Jesus. I know groups like the Newsboys, All Sons and Daughters, Bethel and others are sincere, devout Christians and their music reflects that. But it also inherently reflects a disconnect from the One True Church and it’s theology and teaching. When I came back to the Church I found those old songs I learned as a kid to have a new meaning, not just for me as an individual Catholic but as a member of the universal Church.
That being said I listen to All Sons and Daughters, my kids love the Newsboys. I like some contemporary renderings of classic hymns like “How Great Thou Art” and “Be Thou My Vision”. They appeal to me at an emotional level. I also used to listen to a lot of Matisyahu (before he left his Hasidism behind), and I listen to his music often. He’s singing about Jewish themes but I’ve not found it contradicts my faith, and I just really like his style and obvious devotion to God. I pray for his conversion regularly. He’s not for everyone (I’m 28 and he was popular when I was growing up) but of all contemporary stuff, his music is what I listen to most.