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hey, i have a little problem, and i think it may be something like possession/oppression. I talked to my priest about it, and he said he could help me, but now hes moving away this sunday, so its too late for that. Anway, my problem is that whenever i am in church or around religious things, by throat literally closes up, and i cant breathe and i have very weird thoughts running through my head. I have other things that happen, but the whole description is like 3 pages long. so, what is wrong with me?
That’s not enough information to be able to even guess as to whether or not you are dealing with a diabolical issue or just a psychological issue. The mind is powerful and complex. What you’ve described could very well be psychological. I recognize evil spirits as a source of trouble, so it’s not like I dismiss them as a possibility. But it’s very difficult to “diagnosis” something like this from an online forum. Have you listed the strongest reasons that make you think it’s diabolical? Or has something else happened that convinces you it’s from evil spirits?

If your priest isn’t moving until Sunday, he still has time to help you get started on figuring out this problem and he can recommend someone else to help you after he’s gone.

My priest always says that whenever you make up your mind to get help, go to confession, etc., just wait and see the number of obstacles that come into your path. Our spiritual enemy wants to keep us away from all that will lead us closer to Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

Without having more information, it’s difficult to know what else could be causing your symptoms. Could it be some type of allergic reaction? I know I tend to be very sensitive to people’s perfumes, conditioners, after-shave, etc. and often have to move to a different place in Church if I’m next to someone with very strong scents.

Try spending time before Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament in Eucharistic Adoration. Cast your cares, worries, and troubles down at His Feet and He will help you through.
Well, some reasons for me to believe that it could be diabolical is what I did this year. I played with my ouija board a lot, and I performed seances, and there was a brief time where I praised Satan. I was very stupid, but I dont do that stuff now. And as for allergic reactions, im not allergic to anything, and also I know its not psychological because I’m perfectly fine, except for this.
If you were worshipping satan and using the oiuja board you should definately RUN to a priest and ask for an exorcism.
They dont just perform exorcisms like that, it takes a while, like they have to get psychological records and such. I think they are investigating me in my parish, because i have a priest, a seminarian, and a monsignor constantly watching me and talking to me.
Well, some reasons for me to believe that it could be diabolical is what I did this year. I played with my ouija board a lot, and I performed seances, and there was a brief time where I praised Satan. I was very stupid, but I dont do that stuff now. And as for allergic reactions, im not allergic to anything, and also I know its not psychological because I’m perfectly fine, except for this.
Well, I’d say that qualifies as inviting demonic activity alright. I doubt it would be full possession since that usually occurs accompanies by some sort of deliberate acquiesence on your part - you would be aware of a demonic asking for control and you giving it permission and it taking control. It would be an unforgettable moment. If your dealing with oppression, that can still be a serious matter, but not nearly as difficult to deal with as possession.

My suggestion is to go to start by repenting from those sins right now and asking God to forgive you. Make sure you verbally renounce all that you said and did and ask God to break the power of Satan in your life. Follow this up with going to confession as soon as possible. This may be all that is needed. Of course I’m assuming you are truly sorry for your sins and not just worried that you invited evil spirits into your life.

Send me a private email if that doesn’t seem to make an immediate difference. There’s more than can be done.

I think they are investigating me in my parish, because i have a priest, a seminarian, and a monsignor constantly watching me and talking to me.
and this is a problem why? if you are concerned with demonic influences then this should be comforting, at least they are close at hand. you stated above that you approached a priest for help, and help is right there for you to grasp, you just have to take ahold of it.

They dont just perform exorcisms like that, it takes a while, like they have to get psychological records and such. I think they are investigating me in my parish, because i have a priest, a seminarian, and a monsignor constantly watching me and talking to me.
This seems like as parish where the Mons. priest and seminarian are interested in actually saving souls for a change, instead of careerism. I wish I belonged to a parish like this. Some can care less, and God forbis you ask them for confession (after the fixed time) or even to bless a crucifix. etc. One In my friend’s parish (a young Diocesan Mons.) tells people all the time: "this is a job (what he does) and I treat it as such: office hours etc. Pardon me Mons (Father) I thought your was vocation.
Know that The Lord is in you. If He wasn’t you would already be destroyed. Give Thanks for that. Pray that The Lord will help you presevere in affliction, Find out what The Lord is trying to tell you. Seek Him all ways and all the time. Remember, He will humble us to bring us closer. Prayers Out, Tim
This seems like as parish where the Mons. priest and seminarian are interested in actually saving souls for a change, instead of careerism. I wish I belonged to a parish like this. Some can care less, and God forbis you ask them for confession (after the fixed time) or even to bless a crucifix. etc. One In my friend’s parish (a young Diocesan Mons.) tells people all the time: "this is a job (what he does) and I treat it as such: office hours etc. Pardon me Mons (Father) I thought your was vocation.
Im not so sure about the seminarian and the monsignor. The seminarian locked me in a dark basement at school really late at night after a class trip, and the monsignor locked me and my friend outside in the pouring rain after jumping in a pool with our clothes on at a graduation party. I don’t think I trust them . Father Jim is leaving my parish so I won’t be getting help from him either, because he is leaving in two days, then the evil monsignor is taking over, assissted by Doobie (Mr.Dube the seminarian) for a while.
They dont just perform exorcisms like that, it takes a while, like they have to get psychological records and such. I think they are investigating me in my parish, because i have a priest, a seminarian, and a monsignor constantly watching me and talking to me.
AMR, may I suggest praying the Rosary daily for awhile? See how you feel? Maybe being in Church brings out your feelings. Just try prayer alone for a bit. I will remember you in my prayers.
praying alone is one of the things that sets it off. I try really hard to, but I get really cold/hot and cant concentrate, and then cant sleep all night.
well, my priest that said he would help me is leaving for good. Today was his last day, and i don’t know if i’ll ever see him again,and since I wrote him the note, and hes gone, I don’t know whose going to help me.
If you don’t trust your priest then you should go to another parish and ask the pastor for help.
im pretty limited on talking to priests. My mother is very suspicious, and i know its impossible to talk to a priest. I cant go to another parish, so im hopeless for help. If i was old enough to have a car or at least live on my own, i could actually seek out help, but im 13 and i have a crazy mother whos very demanding.
Talk to your mother. She’s your mom. Explain your fears, then maybe you and your mother can consult a priest. The waves in the sea only seem big. Read Mathew 8:23,27. May God Bless You, Tim
im pretty limited on talking to priests. My mother is very suspicious, and i know its impossible to talk to a priest. I cant go to another parish, so im hopeless for help. If i was old enough to have a car or at least live on my own, i could actually seek out help, but im 13 and i have a crazy mother whos very demanding.
You never answered my post . . . are you truly sorry for what you did because it offended God or because you’re scared of the evil you invoked? Have you tried repenting and confessing?

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