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You never answered my post . . . are you truly sorry for what you did because it offended God or because you’re scared of the evil you invoked? Have you tried repenting and confessing?

Im truly sorry, because I know how bad it was now. I havent gone to confession, because Its up to my parents,and they are lazy, and wont bring me. Plus, I am too shy to go to confession, the last time I went I just sat there.
im pretty limited on talking to priests. My mother is very suspicious, and i know its impossible to talk to a priest. I cant go to another parish, so im hopeless for help. If i was old enough to have a car or at least live on my own, i could actually seek out help, but im 13 and i have a crazy mother whos very demanding.
wowee, thats a lot of stuff for a 13 year old to have accomplished.
I wonder if you are possessed, but the fact you can go on a forum and ask for help seems to suggest otherwise, you are really too young to be dealing with this by yourself, i would tell your mother everything that has happened, get her to understand, and tackle this thing together.
Im truly sorry, because I know how bad it was now. I havent gone to confession, because Its up to my parents,and they are lazy, and wont bring me. Plus, I am too shy to go to confession, the last time I went I just sat there.
Understood. You could simply pray and ask God to forgive you as a starting point. That should break the power the devil has on you. Try this prayer, just say this out loud and mean it . . .

" Heavenly Father, I confess that I have sinned against you by mention your sins, one by one]. I am truly sorry for these sins and I humbly repent. And I renounce the devil and his ways and I ask you, Almighty God, to break the power of the devil that is at work in me and my life, in the Name of Jesus Christ. Cleanse me with Your Holy Blood, I pray. Set me free from the Evil One, I pray. Make me new again in You. I want to follow and obey you, Lord and I want to love You with all of my heart, mind, soul and strength. Thank you for forgiving me. Thank you for setting me free. I pray for an opportunity to go to sacramental Confession as soon as possible, but until then, I trust that you have heard my prayer and answered from Heaven and wiped away all my sin. In the Name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen."

After praying this, place your faith in Christ and believe that you have been forgiven and that the devil no longer has a power over you. If you begin to sense that oppression again, simply say out loud, “I belong to Jesus Christ. In His Holy Name, I command you to leave me. In the Name of Jesus.”

Scripture tells us to “resist the devil and he will flee”. It works!

Yo Boy, Get Your Butt To Confession Before Satan Starts Spinning Your Head Around Like The Little Girl On The Exoricist!

You Think You Can Play With Fire And Not Get Burned?? I Have Little Doubt That After You Holding Group Concentration To Speak With The Dead, Playing With The Ojaiu Board That Satan Is Definatly Involved In You Not Being Able To Pray. Get Your Little Butt To Confession Now Boy!! Your Father Isnt Around Is He, Well If I Was There , Id Kick Your Butt All The Way To The Church Steps.

Stop Making Excuses, Your 13 , Your Not A Little Boy Anymore, Your A Man, You Got Hair Under Your Arms Now, So Stop Whining On A Message Board And Confess Before Its Too Late.
Yo Boy, Get Your Butt To Confession Before Satan Starts Spinning Your Head Around Like The Little Girl On The Exoricist!

You Think You Can Play With Fire And Not Get Burned?? I Have Little Doubt That After You Holding Group Concentration To Speak With The Dead, Playing With The Ojaiu Board That Satan Is Definatly Involved In You Not Being Able To Pray. Get Your Little Butt To Confession Now Boy!! Your Father Isnt Around Is He, Well If I Was There , Id Kick Your Butt All The Way To The Church Steps.

Stop Making Excuses, Your 13 , Your Not A Little Boy Anymore, Your A Man, You Got Hair Under Your Arms Now, So Stop Whining On A Message Board And Confess Before Its Too Late.
1 thing: Im a girl. OK? calm down,okay? your freaking me out.
AMR207 said:
1 thing: Im a girl. OK? calm down,okay? your freaking me out.

honestly, maybe you should be a little more worried about this, or prioritizing it a bit more than you have. This is serious. From what you’ve written it seems that you may be in trouble,and all of your responses have seemed like excuses to me. I would take what OTA had to say to heart. Maybe it was a bit extreme, but if the shoe fits???

God bless you, and please stop making excuses about going to confession and seeing a priest. If you’re unable to pray alone, and cannot speak in the confessional= that sounds like there is something wrong going on inside of you that needs fixing. Trust in God, and please ask for His help with this (specifically through any priest. Just because one is leaving, doesnt’ mean you can’t talk aobut it to a different one!)
Im not so sure about the seminarian and the monsignor. The seminarian locked me in a dark basement at school really late at night after a class trip, and the monsignor locked me and my friend outside in the pouring rain after jumping in a pool with our clothes on at a graduation party. I don’t think I trust them . Father Jim is leaving my parish so I won’t be getting help from him either, because he is leaving in two days, then the evil monsignor is taking over, assissted by Doobie (Mr.Dube the seminarian) for a while.
Why the HECK would they do this? Thats just plain weird.

I have to agree with the others, though. This is not a time to make exscuses! Very very few people have demonic influences like this. This is a spiritual crisis you’ve got on your hands! You need to ask a friend to take you or SOMETHING. You’re not dead, so you don’t have much of an exscuse. This is seriously a big thing! I’ll pray for you, my friend.

In the meantime, PLEASE get to confession and make SURE to attend Mass every Sunday. Again, find a close friend who is willing to take you, or ride your bike or *something. *Your soul and your sanity are on the line here, sister!
I want to get a friend to take me, but all they do is joke around and they think im faking. And I was thinking of walking down to the church down the hill from my neighborhood, but I dont really like it there because they are all about the money, and the deacon there hates anyone who was at my school, and he roams around there.
I want to get a friend to take me, but all they do is joke around and they think im faking. And I was thinking of walking down to the church down the hill from my neighborhood, but I dont really like it there because they are all about the money, and the deacon there hates anyone who was at my school, and he roams around there.
That is a *very *spooky Catholic diocease you’ve got there. What makes you say they are all about the money? The church could just be going through financial problems. I don’t know how one finds this out, but maybe you could write a letter to even the Bishop, asking if there are any exorcists in that area?

You still should go down. Avoid the deacon. Go to Reconciliation. Deacons are not allowed to do Reconciliation, so you won’t have to worry about him.
I want to get a friend to take me, but all they do is joke around and they think im faking. And I was thinking of walking down to the church down the hill from my neighborhood, **but I dont really like it there because they are all about the money, ** and the deacon there hates anyone who was at my school, and he roams around there.
one suggestion-Stop listening to the voices in your head:

1.Who says you have to give money to this church. You just want to go to reconciliation and talk to a priest!
2.I highly doubt that a deacon would “hate” anyone. Especially children from a Catholic school.

Right here you are dealing with the tricky, less obvious demon. Sure when your falling screaming on the floor, people and hopefully you also will assume that your dealing with something evil or at the least sick, but when he can put thoughts into your head and get you to think you are the one thinking them- that’s when he has total control of you.

There is no excuse. Don’t listen to anything negative going on in your head. Negatives come from the evil one. Go to Reconcliation, and come back and tell us how much better you are feeling after having defeated this!

You are in our prayers.
I’m going to make some assumptions here, based on what I remember about being 13 and “different.”

I imagine that it is almost overwhelmingly frightening for you to try to get anyone to take you seriously about something so “wierd.”

I also imagine that you are probably being way over-sensitive to what other people think about you. Looking back, I know I was; but I couldn’t see it then. Try to keep in mind that your friends are probably just as worried about what you thnk of them.

I live in Colorado; send me a private message if you do, too. I’d be happy to take you to confession, or church, or the diocese. I mean it, and I don’t care if you are two feet tall and green. That means don’t worry about whether I’d like you or not.

I recommend saying the Chaplet of Divine Mercy. You don’t have to say it out loud; if the devil tightens your throat, say it in your head. It is a big help to me; it helps me trust in Jesus. If you’re not familiar with it, look here:


Read Matther 4:1-11; it’s the part where Satan is tempting Jesus. Ponder it in your heart.

Last but not least, do some small, nice thing for someone else (especially your mother) at least once a day. In your mother’s case, it can be something as small as not griping when she asks you (or tells you!) to do the dishes. Or figuring out ahead of time that she’ll be asking you to do something, and doing it before she asks.

This is both spiritual exercise, and defiance of the devil. You can bet he doesn’t want you to be nice to your Mom.
I’ll say a Rosary for you tonight.
Im not so sure about the seminarian and the monsignor. The seminarian locked me in a dark basement at school really late at night after a class trip, and the monsignor locked me and my friend outside in the pouring rain after jumping in a pool with our clothes on at a graduation party. I don’t think I trust them . Father Jim is leaving my parish so I won’t be getting help from him either, because he is leaving in two days, then the evil monsignor is taking over, assissted by Doobie (Mr.Dube the seminarian) for a while.
Are you taking any sort of medication or have been treated psychologically ever?:hmmm:

You’ve been told - do not play with these ouija boards or participate in ANYTHING even remotely tied with the occult. Even astrology, the horoscopes in the paper, are a form of occult. I’m sorry you’ve found yourself tied up in this situation.

As been stated before, it could be demonic or it could just be scrupulosity (sp?) of some sort. But DO confess - there is nothing to be scared or ashamed of. It’s a part of emotional and spiritual maturity. This is your life, your relationship with Jesus. I know it’s hard at 13 but really, there is nothing to be scared of - Jesus already knows everything you are not hiding anything from Him. But He wanted us to receive the humility and grace that comes with confessing our sins to Him through our priests. The priests don’t remember our confessions, and even if they did, they would never break the seal of confession.

Here is a site that helps people with these types of issues.

I don’t think they are taking “clients” but there are some prayers here that may help.

God Bless
Are you taking any sort of medication or have been treated psychologically ever?:hmmm:
No I am not. Im completely sane, nothing wrong with me.
How have you been doing lately? You havn’t written much, and well, we care about you! Are things getting better for you, or is there something we can pray for you about?
Nothing has changes, except I am having trouble finding a priest to talk to. I only go to mass when I am with my mom which is every other weekend, and I cant even talk to anyone then. My friends arent helping me and neither are my parents. My mom gets mad at me when I even talk about stuff like Exorcism and possession. I have been getting “attacked” every night now. I would feel alot better if I could get an exorcism or something, because I am really scared to even be alive now.
Have you checked out the St Michael’s site yet?

Do you have a youth ministry at your church? Do you think it would be worth it to see if the youth minister or the program volunteers could drive you to Mass and Reconcilliation? No need to go into details about your struggle, just let them know that you’d like to participate in the sacraments more than you are able to now.

Please let us know what is happening. God Bless you.
. I have been getting “attacked” every night now. I would feel alot better if I could get an exorcism or something, because I am really scared to even be alive now.
Honey, you need to talk to someone about this. I wish I lived a little closer or had the resources to help you out. I know nothing about this, but I wish I did. If you ever just want to talk PM me, I’d be happy to listen.

One thing I do know is that God is ever more powerful than satan. Put your Faith, Hope, and Love in him and He will be there for you. I read in another of your posts about a dove you saw. Take it as a sign. The Holy Spirit is not only watching over you, He is also right inside of you…waiting for you to ask for help. All you have to do is Ask!

I will pray for you, and pray that you will also be able to pray- as I read earlier that you seem to not be able to pray alone these days. Prayer is powerful, and not only could change things for you, but will. Have faith in God, and know that He will defeat satan if you call on His name.

God Bless You.
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