I actually included Stalinism in my article.Actually, Soviet/Marxist communism is far worse than other forms of government. Look at the brutal, murderous expansionist tendencies of Soviet Russia until its implosion in 1989-1990. Consider 75 years of Marxist government in China. The number of citizens slaughteredmay exceed 100 million - all in the name of the statre. China is an absolutely amoral nation, where cheating is the norm, sex is viewed as entertainment, abortions are still mandated and hope is fading.
Conversely, in America, the drumbeat accusation of "fascism" has been parroted incessantly by a certain political party. Simultaneously this same party has been subversively arranging a single party dictatorship of America. "The people" recently rejected this outright.
Mussolini was properly called a fascist. Nazi Germany was "National Socialism." Although "democracy" is usually given as the governmental form of the United States, it is in actuality a constitutional republic, which is different in substance from a democracy.
It is now media-driven, as there is great profit to be made in division. Race is the big money-maker. Canadian Catholic philosopher Marshall McLuhan famously quipped that "The medium is the message."I actually included Stalinism in my article.
So this is not a left vs right issue, this is a totalitarian vs radical individualist issue. To some extent it was also a generational issue, as the G.I.s (WW2 veteran generation) have supported totalitarianism of both styles at least while young, while their boomer progeny supported radical individualism and sentimental empathy.
I could say right-liberalism ("market is always right") was a reaction to Bolshevism/Stalinism, while left-liberalism (including the counterculture) was a reaction to Fascism. Both contributed to the liberal individualist zeitgeist of second half of the 20th century and early 21st.
Drumbeat accusations of "Fascism" on the Left, as well as drumbeat accusations of "Bolshevism" on the Right are just a proof how much this zeitgeist is still stuck in many people's heads.