Hi all
When the Altar is being prepared, can anyone other than a priest or deacon pour the wine into the chalice. I was at the Feast of the Assumption mass, and an Altar server poured the wine into the Chalice. This was a Senior Altar server.
Is this allowed. On looking this up in James Akin’s book “Mass Confustion” it specifically states that the rubrics say “The deacon (or priest) pours wine and a little water into the chalice…”
This seems odd, and has never happened in our parish before.
Thanks for your comments
When the Altar is being prepared, can anyone other than a priest or deacon pour the wine into the chalice. I was at the Feast of the Assumption mass, and an Altar server poured the wine into the Chalice. This was a Senior Altar server.
Is this allowed. On looking this up in James Akin’s book “Mass Confustion” it specifically states that the rubrics say “The deacon (or priest) pours wine and a little water into the chalice…”
This seems odd, and has never happened in our parish before.
Thanks for your comments