Hi am one of those who had a tubal ligation before I was converted. When I went to confession, the priest told me that I was not requirered to do anything further. Some lay people advocate that I should have had a reversal. But this is major surgery. So the church does not require it. Also it is not covered by insurance. So for a family that is struggling financially, it is not an economic option. Actually, it would have been easier if I could have had the surgery. This is a terrible thing to live with now that I know how grievous a sin it is.
Out of my guilt and desire to make reparation, I was pushing my husband away and it almost ruined my marriage. My husband was not at the same place I was spiritually, so he did not understand what I was going through. And he was very resentful and jealous of my love of God. Finally, I had to make a decision to stay married and accept intimacy with him or separate. But the Lord gave me the grace to see that it would be more pleasing to Him to stay in my marriage and keep my vows than to alleviate my guilt but split up a family. It has taken years but my husband is slowly converting to the truth. And for the first time in our marriage, our relationship is closer to what it should be.We still have a ways to go. But isn’t marriage for a lifetime?