Eternal Father,
Through the precious Blood of Jesus,
Have Mercy; console us in
our moment of need and tribulation,
as you once consoled Job, Hannah and
Tobias in their afflictions; and
Mary, Comforter of the Afflicted,
pray and placate God for us
and obtain for us the grace
for which we humbly pray. Amen.
Source: to St Benedict Joseph Labre.pdf
O Lord God Almighty,
Of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph son of Jacob,
Moses, Aaron, David, Elijah, Zachariah & Elizabeth,
Joseph & Mary, John The Baptist, Phillip, Andrew,
Peter, James the elder, James the younger, John,
Nathaniel, Matthew, Thomas, Jude Thaddeus,
Simon the zealot, Mattia, Justin, Paul of Tarsus,
Barnabas, Timothy, Clement 1, Polycarp, Ignatius of Antioch,
Augustine, Gregory, Francis of Assisi, Anthony of Padua, Catherine of Sienna,
Juan Diego, Charles Borromeo, Vincent de Paul, Rita of Cascia,
The Martyrs of China, Thomas More, Catherine Laboure,
John Henry Newman, Bernadette of Lourdes,
Pio of Pietrelcina, Faustina of Poland,
The Martyrs of WWii, Andre of Montreal,
Gianna Beretta Molla, John Paul ii, Teresa of Calcutta,
and Fulton J. Sheen;
You know all hearts,
Your Only Begotten Son Jesus suffered the Crown of Thorns,
through all His Merits and the Suffering of His Head,
please bring forgiveness, healing, peace,
loving kindness, and companionship
to those who suffer mental anguish.
We Trust in You, Father in Heaven,
Who Reigns with Jesus Christ, and The Holy Spirit,
One God, Forever and Ever,