Prayers for continued healing from a traumatic event

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This week I was diagnosed with PTSD relating to a traumatic event that I witnessed this past January. I met with a psychiatrist yesterday and he says that my brain went into “freeze mode” which is a bit of a misnomer because it allowed me to put my emotions to the side while I called 911 and gave first aid and encouragement to the victim.

In other words “freeze mode” was the perfect response to the situation. The problem is that, unbeknownst to me, my brain has been going into “freeze mode” ever since March (PTSD often doesn’t start until days, weeks or months after the event) whenever I encounter the slightest bit of stress.

The victim broke about 4 vertebrae and is fully recovered physically. The psychiatrist prescribed some meds for me and I’m seeing a therapist.

I’m asking you to pray for continued emotional healing for the victim, as well as a full and speedy recovery from my PTSD.
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Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee. Blessed art thou among women and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners, now, and at the hour of our death. Amen.
We thank You God that Greg now has some understanding of how the event has affected him and that now he is receiving help for the damage done to him by shock and trauma. Please heal the escape pathway his brain formed for self-protection when stress arises.

We thank You Lord that he was able to help the victim last March

Lord please give Greg the grace and courage to decide where his energy is best and most safely channelled and guarded. Please gently and kindly let him know if he should continue with the challenges of running, or if having made such an extraordinary effort he needs to turn it over to others. We know You will not forget his massive efforts as a testament to his desire to serve, but please save him from feeling burdened by such a responsibility. It is him and his loved ones whom You love in his life. He, and they, are Your true gifts Greg and his family.

Lord, we ask You for a full recovery for Greg so that he can live his life to the fullest, in joy and peace
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