Holy Mother,
Please intercede for all the soldiers around the world and those whose live is touched by war. War is such an atrocity to the human spirit and to this world, Holy Mother, please heal our soldiers from the spiritual, moral, psychological, and emotional wounds they have suffered in war! Please call them to their true calling, to be solidiers in Christ! Please raise up within the army, a holy army of rosary wielding and prayeful christians who will bring down Gods will and love upon this sad, disorderly, lost, and confused world. Do not let any occasion for a wound to lead to the death of our soldiers, but let any wound they suffer lead them to a deeper appreciation of your presense, love, and power!
Hail Mary, full of Grace, Blessed are thou amongst women and Blessed is the Fruit of they womb Jesus!
Holy Mary full of grace, pray of us sinners, now and at the hour of our death, Amen!
Blue Knight