Prayers needed for financial difficulties

  • Thread starter Thread starter masondoggy
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I like many of you here am suffering with similar financial issues and a house for sale for 2 years.

Heavenly Father, we thank you for the food in our bellies, the roofs over our heads, and the clothes on our backs. You meet our needs everyday, and yet we ask for more. I feel so ashamed, knowing that so many do not have even these basic necessities. I offer my suffering to you on a debt only Jesus could repay for me. I love You Lord and I will always love You Lord. Please change my heart so that I worry no more about my financial issues, but only about those that wish their only worries were about money. Yet Father, we are no longer self-sufficient people or societies that can do without money, so I continue to pray that You will help all those here (and I as well) to overcome our current financial burdens, so that we can focus better on what we can do for one another in Your name. In the name of Jesus I pray. Amen. :signofcross:
Lord in our anxiety let us find the calmness that comes from knowing that You will not let us go without. That You are the Great Multiplier and will give us in abundance that which we need. I pray for not just these that have expressed need but let us also pray for all those around the world who are in need. Let each of us know that You know each of us before we were born and that you would not wish harm or hardship upon us. We also know that a Good Shepherd will keep us close. So we need not fear but continue to harken Your Voice which continues to becken to each of us. Help all of us to see Your love and care throughout this turmoil and make yourself present in each of our daily lives.

We ask that through the Blessed Sacrament we would come to know you even more. Every creature will adore you!! Let us be moved to seek His Presence as often as possible.
Heavenly Father, please continue to watch over these people and help them with their financial needs. Please help them to overcome the struggles they are facing now. The stress of finances are always troubling please help us to understand how these problems and frustrations help us to become the people You want us to be. Amen.
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