Once again, thank you all for your continued prayers. We have had dad home for about a week and a half but he has not progressed and, as a matter of fact, seems to get progressively weaker.
He has fallen twice and my fear is that the set back comes from the falls (the first time he got tangled in pants that are now too big and the second he got up to the bathroom without calling anyone). All his vitals are good so we are somewhat baffled by the regression. We saw his kidney doctor yesterday and he said his kidney function did not warrant dialysis (thank you, Lord) however, now we are totally baffled by the weakness. We have an appointment with his local cardiologist on Monday but hope to have him see the chiropractor as well tomorrow (he says he feels his hip is out of place).
Please pray that we find the reason for his weakness soon…and that we can do something about it. I fear the longer he stays inactive, the weaker he will get.
I can never say thank you enough for your prayers. As a matter of fact, I sometimes feel guilty as it seems like the only time I come to you is to ask for prayer. I find such peace in writing here though that I hope it is okay.
As I have said before, thank you for your prayers. You are unbelievably caring individuals with wings!