Praying in Tongues- no debate please

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Dear friends,
May we share about praying in tongues with no debate.

Some of us pray in tongues. Some do not, but welcome the prayer. Others are totally against it.

We hsve seen all the arguments pro and con. Many good and faithful priests pray in tongues. Please do not post here, if you do not recognize the value of praying in tongues.

And if anyone tries to disrupt this thread, please ignore them
Originally Posted by Mijoy2
*Maybe someone here can help me out. I recently reviewed these forums ( and elsewhere) for information on the Charismatic Movement, along with “speaking (or praying) in tounges”.

In all of these forums I see the speaking/praying in tongues discussed but I can’t find any instance of someone, who has this gift, describing the sensation or the personal experience from within.

Things I’d like to know are:
When one is prayiong tongues is one aware of the sounds/words one is expressing?
Do the sounds being made make sense to the individual making them? In other words is there self-translating?
Does one feel completey overtaken, or is it more of a feeling of a changed mood?

The only experience I have of listening to someone speaking in tongues is from a radio broadcast where (I think) Ken Copeland and some other Pentecostal is having a “conversation” in which they appear to be communicating and understanding one another. There is a lot of laughter between them as if they are telling each other jokes in another language. I must admit here that I founf that particular experience to be artificial. It seemed totally non-sensical and disturbing.

I’d welcome any (name removed by moderator)ut that could give me a greater understanding of this.
Any (name removed by moderator)ut would be greatly appreciated.*
Hi, I have been praying in tongues for 20 years. It is a prayer language. I know how it works at least in intercessory prayer for others. The Lord gives me the words and I can speak them into the world and that gives God the authority to do in this world whatever the words say. I do not need to know the meaning. Soon I or the person I am praying for experiencing the result of the words of prayer in tongues. This is the work of God and always something good. God’s will is done in this way. Sometimes I translate my own words. Sometimes I praise the Lord in tongues and sing in tongues. It is an easy way to pray. I also pray the rosary, which is similar. You see when you pray the rosary you say the same words over and over nad meditate on the mysteries. Your mind is not on your words as such. So it is in tongues, my heart is thinking about God but my mind is speaking mysteries only He knows. Please people don’t be so ignorant about this. I’ll talk to you about it more if you ask…cottonwoodptl

I know your intention in good…but let’s not continue this discussion on Tongues…Quite frankly, I think this subject has been exhausted. Much Love in Christ,
a problem on this forum is the underlying assumption that I can learn about spirituality by being educated and lectured by someone else. One can be guided by an experience director, and all books on spiritual direction agree that this has to be done in person, not by a book (or website), but you cannot experience what someone else is going through, except you experience it yourself. Spirituality cannot be taught - read St Teresa of Avila on this.

the whole topic of tongues has been done to death, and if beng jumps on this thread I will go back to bed. If you want the experience of charismatic spirituality, seek out a faithful Catholic parish in your area that gives Life in the Spirit seminars, attend your state’s Catholic Charismatic conferences, and be guided by them, and if that is the expression you are being led to, the Holy Spirit will let you know about it soon enough.

Descriptions of the use of the spiritual gifts are all over the writings and testimonies of charismatics, try the Renewed Life catalog as a starting point. But you can read all you want, and you will not know much more than you did before, because they will be highly individualistic.

Reminds me of FIL who insisted he never needed to travel because he saw Vienna, Rome, Ireland, Mexico etc. on TV shows.
Well, we had a wonderful healing mass last light, concelebrated by Fr Pio Mandatta and our Pastor, followed by a beautiful healing service with individual prayers for healing by three prayer teams. The Blessed Sacrament was exposed and music was played.

Many people approached for prayer, many had never been to a Charismatic service. Many prayer tongues were heard, and many rested in the Spirit—even some who were there for the first time. There was much Peace.

Everyone who was there (close to 1000 people) knows that Praying in Tongues is a wonderful and comforting blessing.
I was raised Pentecostal, spent some time among the charismatics, practiced prayer in tongues, and never saw any benefit from it. So I no longer practice it. However, if it cranks your tractor, go right ahead. There’s plenty of room under my umbrella for both of us.

My personal preference is to pray the Scriptures in the Office of the Hours. I get more spiritual benefit from that in five minutes than I used to get in any number of hours of praying in tongues. But that’s just me.

Well, we had a wonderful healing mass last light, concelebrated by Fr Pio Mandatta and our Pastor, followed by a beautiful healing service with individual prayers for healing by three prayer teams. The Blessed Sacrament was exposed and music was played.

Many people approached for prayer, many had never been to a Charismatic service. Many prayer tongues were heard, and many rested in the Spirit—even some who were there for the first time. There was much Peace.

Everyone who was there (close to 1000 people) knows that Praying in Tongues is a wonderful and comforting blessing.
Praise God for the Mighty move of the Holy Spirit.What a wonderful Healer we have in Christ Jesus.So willing and wanting to restore His children. Thank you Lord. 👍
bop, bob, ba-lou bop, ba-lob bamn boom… tuti fruiti… ole ru…
sorry, it’s late, and i’m tired… different strokes for different ghost 👍
space ghost:
bop, bob, ba-lou bop, ba-lob bamn boom… tuti fruiti… ole ru…
sorry, it’s late, and i’m tired… different strokes for different ghost 👍
Do you have the Gift of interpretation? 😃
I was raised Pentecostal, spent some time among the charismatics, practiced prayer in tongues, and never saw any benefit from it. So I no longer practice it. However, if it cranks your tractor, go right ahead. There’s plenty of room under my umbrella for both of us.

My personal preference is to pray the Scriptures in the Office of the Hours. I get more spiritual benefit from that in five minutes than I used to get in any number of hours of praying in tongues. But that’s just me.

I also pray the hours—for my private prayer, but when I pray in praise at a prayer meeting or for healing on my prayer team, I use English, Latin and Tongues (which is no language sorta like humming)

Have you ever been involved with a Catholic group or conference?
I also pray the hours—for my private prayer, but when I pray in praise at a prayer meeting or for healing on my prayer team, I use English, Latin and Tongues (which is no language sorta like humming)

Have you ever been involved with a Catholic group or conference?
Mysty, I bet you sound like an angelic hummingbird. 😃
Yes, it is beautiful–where 2 or 3 are gathered in My Name—The most awesome experience I’ve ever had was in the Upper Room in Jerusalem.

All different groups of pilgrims from all over the world and spontaneous tongues erupt and combine into one beautiful song of praise.
Do you have the Gift of interpretation? 😃
i probably should have kept my fingers quiet… some take tongues other than in their cheek…

I better quit while i’m ahead… probably never got ahead…

I apologize in advance… different strokes for different Ghost 👍
Misty, I have the address to a thread somewhere in which two Evangelical ministers are telling one another Jokes in tongues, and the laugh in tongues. Someone said it is the gift of the Holy Laugh. One man is Kenneth Copeland and the other is Pastor Hagen (reciently died).

**If you watch the 1 min clip for several times you too will start to laugh.:dancing: **
space ghost:
i probably should have kept my fingers quiet… some take tongues other than in their cheek…

I better quit while i’m ahead… probably never got ahead…

I apologize in advance… different strokes for different Ghost 👍
I agree. 👍
I don’t know about that, but I have attended Catholic revival meetings, and seen the gift of Holy Laughter.

Yes, there is much silliness, but I also believe some of it is real. Regular laughter can be contegeous—this Holy laughter is a release gift, much like tears, and is very beneficial to some people.

I do go to some ecumenical prayer services, but usually only if there are Catholic Priests in attendence, and most of my contact with Charismatics is Catholic, and there is usually at least one priest present.
Have you ever been involved with a Catholic group or conference?
Not yet; I’m only in my 3rd month of RCIA, and I’m not planning any outside activity until I’m fully in the Church.

To my knowledge, there’s no charismatic activity here in Cullman, but I know there is in Birmingham.

For what it’s worth, I speak six languages (besides English) with varying degrees of fluency, and I can recognize about 20 more, without actually being able to understand or speak them. In all my years of exposure to Pentecostal/Charismatic activity I have never heard anyone speaking in tongues in a language that I could recognize.

On the other hand, there is just too much anecdotal evidence of people speaking in languages that they have never learned for me to completely close my mind to that possibility.

Have you ever heard of a Prayer tongue, which is different from a teaching tongue?

Catholic Charismatics pray and praise in a prayer tongue, which is not really any language.
PS Here’s a short description of praying in tongues

**The Catholic Experience of Renewal **

Fr. Thomas Foster, S.J

Bishop’s Liaison to the Charismatic Renewal, Diocese of San Jose, 1993


Catholic Charismatics believe that God gives the gift of praying in an “unknown tongue” to anyone who seeks it. The person is able to speak this new language of praise of God, even though the individual does not understand what is being said. Actually, it is the Spirit of God within the heart praying. In the Book of Romans, St. Paul says, “the Spirit too comes to the aid of our weakness; for we do not know how to pray as we ought, but the Spirit itself intercedes with inexpressible groanings. And the one who searches hearts knows what is the intention of the Spirit, because it intercedes for the holy ones according to God’s will.” [Rom 8:26-27] This gift of tongues is mentioned 57 times in the New Testament!
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