Pre-Vatican 2 Habits...Who had the most elaborate?

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theyre no longer in the uk.

the foundress died after they returned to slovakia. then the community split, and sister and her new group are in kososvo working with the seriously marginalized. please pray for them, that their local bishop will be supportive.

I need to check my understanding of this and be very clear. In a PM you have told me that they have left the UK. Furthermore that the order has ‘split’. Then that Sister is now in Kosovo and has applied to a local Bishop to become a recognised Diocesesan congregation. That would therefore mean that the title of Sister is not yet one to which the member is entitled. I accept that she may use any name on here but I would suggest that she does not do so in order to mislead people. Finally I am concerned that the member is wearing a (modified) pre Vatican II habit when she is not yet a member of a religious order recognised locally or globally by the Church
I need to check my understanding of this and be very clear. In a PM you have told me that they have left the UK. Furthermore that the order has ‘split’. Then that Sister is now in Kosovo and has applied to a local Bishop to become a recognised Diocesesan congregation. That would therefore mean that the title of Sister is not yet one to which the member is entitled. I accept that she may use any name on here but I would suggest that she does not do so in order to mislead people. Finally I am concerned that the member is wearing a (modified) pre Vatican II habit when she is not yet a member of a religious order recognised locally or globally by the Church
i never said anything about her new post-split group applying to her local bishop in kosovo as of yet. i have no idea as to whether or not she is wearing a habit at the present time, or if she is using the title of ‘sister.’

i know only that she was pictured in the habit indoors, which is acceptable for a new group. they have to wear one indoors so they know if it works for them. i usually encourage the new groups to post a drawing of the habit on their website, and show themselves in their ‘uniform’ or ‘distinctive garb’, whichever they prefer to call it. this shows lack of presumption.

i ask that the messenger be respected. i have simply reported that which was told me, and have no control over ‘sister’s’ actions. the catechism says to presume good in communication, and until proven otherwise, we take persons at their word.

i have an apostolate to support founders. i will be sending this information about sister and her community to our founders support group.

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