To clarify I am saying God is a time construct. He does not merely exist eternally, He actually is eternal. It should go without saying that God is not merely a time construct. Eternality is a characteristic of God. It is not separate from him as time is separate from us.Now, to posit your notion of “real time” or “divine time”, I think you need to identify what is prior – ‘real time’ or God. If ‘real time’ is prior, then you have the problem I’ve already stated – God isn’t the cause of all things. If God is prior, then you have the other problem I’ve already stated – God doesn’t need it.
Scripture says as much as I have just stated. “I am the beginning and the end.” “In the beginning was the Word”, note Scripture does not say before the beginning was the Word. So I would insist that there is not a time when time was not just as I would insist there was not a time when God was not. I do maintain that there was a time when God alone existed and creation was not.
Does that answer your question?